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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing D, E, G, I, O, P and S

DIPLOGENSDIPLOGEN n. an alternative name for deuterium or heavy hydrogen.
DISPONGEDdisponged v. Simple past tense and past participle of disponge.
DISPONGE v. to sprinkle, also DISPUNGE.
DISPONGESdisponges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disponge.
DISPONGE v. to sprinkle, also DISPUNGE.
DOGESHIPSdogeships n. Plural of dogeship.
DOGESHIP n. the office of a doge, also DOGATE, DOGEATE.
GOSSIPPEDgossipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of gossip.
GOSSIP v. to talk idly about others' affairs.
GUIDEPOSTguidepost n. A signpost.
guidepost n. (By extension) Anything that provides guidance; a guideline.
GUIDEPOST n. a post to guide the traveller.
PAGODITESPAGODITE n. a soft, greenish, greyish or yellowish mineral, thought to be a variety of pinite, known particularly for its use by the Chinese for carving.
PODGINESSpodginess n. The state or quality of being podgy.
PODGINESS n. the state of being podgy.
PORRIDGESporridges n. Plural of porridge.
PORRIDGE n. a soft meal of oatmeal, also PARRIDGE, PARRITCH.
POSIGRADEposigrade n. (Aerospace) A small rocket that gives additional forward thrust.
POSIGRADE adj. having or producing positive thrust.
PRODIGIESprodigies n. Plural of prodigy.
PRODIGY n. a child with exceptional talent and ability.
RIDGETOPSridgetops n. Plural of ridgetop.
RIDGETOP n. the crest of a ridge.
SPLODGIERsplodgier adj. Comparative form of splodgy: more splodgy.
SPLODGY adj. covered with splodges.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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