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There are 20 nine-letter words containing D, 2E, I, L, O and R

CREOLISEDcreolised v. Simple past tense and past participle of creolise.
CREOLISE v. to cause a language to become creole, also CREOLIZE.
CREOLIZEDcreolized v. Simple past tense and past participle of creolize.
CREOLIZE v. to cause a language to become creole, also CREOLISE.
DESPOILERdespoiler n. One who despoils; one who strips by force; a plunderer.
DESPOILER n. one who despoils.
DOLERITESdolerites n. Plural of dolerite.
DOLERITE n. a type of igneous rock.
EMBROILEDembroiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of embroil.
EMBROIL v. to involve in conflict.
EVILDOERSevildoers n. Plural of evildoer.
evil-doers n. Plural of evil-doer.
EVILDOER n. one who commits evil.
HELIDROMEhelidrome n. (Aviation) An airfield or airbase for helicopters.
HELIDROME n. an airport for helicopters.
HIERODULEhierodule n. (Historical, chiefly Ancient Greece) A temple slave, often one performing religious prostitution.
HIERODULE n. a temple slave in the service of a specified deity.
LEPORIDAELeporidae prop.n. A taxonomic family within the order Lagomorpha – the rabbits and hares.
LEPORIDAE n. animals of the rabbit or hare family.
MELODISERmelodiser n. Alternative form of melodizer.
MELODISER n. one who melodises, also MELODIZER.
MELODIZERmelodizer n. One who melodizes.
MELODIZER n. one who melodizes, also MELODISER.
ORDERLIESorderlies n. Plural of orderly.
ORDERLY n. a male attendant.
OVERLIVEDoverlived v. Simple past tense and past participle of overlive.
OVERLIVE v. to outlive.
OVERPLIEDoverplied v. Simple past tense and past participle of overply.
OVERPLY v. to ply to excess; overwork.
PELORISEDpelorised adj. Alternative form of pelorized.
PELORISED adj. affected with peloria, also PELORIZED.
PELORIZEDpelorized adj. (Botany) Exhibiting the abnormality called pelorism.
PELORIZED adj. affected with peloria, also PELORISED.
PREBOILEDpreboiled adj. Boiled in advance.
PREBOIL v. to boil beforehand.
RIDGEPOLEridgepole n. A beam along the ridge of a roof to which the rafters are attached.
ridgepole n. A horizontal pole that supports the roof of a ridge tent.
ridge␣pole n. Alternative form of ridgepole.
SOLDIEREDsoldiered v. Simple past tense and past participle of soldier.
SOLDIER v. to perform military service.
TREFOILEDtrefoiled adj. Having the shape of a trefoil.
trefoiled adj. (Especially heraldry) Ornamented with trefoils projecting from the edges, as a bearing, partition, etc.
TREFOILED adj. adorned with trefoils.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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