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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing D, 3E, O, R and T

COERECTEDCOERECT v. to erect together.
COEXERTEDcoexerted v. Simple past tense and past participle of coexert.
COEXERT v. to exert jointly.
DEPORTEESdeportees n. Plural of deportee.
DEPORTEE n. one who is deported.
DORBEETLEdorbeetle n. The dor.
DORBEETLE n. a dung-beetle.
DOSEMETERdosemeter n. Alternative form of dosimeter.
DOSEMETER n. an instrument for measuring doses of radiation, also DOSIMETER.
ELECTRODEelectrode n. The terminal through which electric current passes between metallic and nonmetallic parts of an electric circuit.
electrode n. A collector or emitter of electric charge in a semiconducting device.
ELECTRODE n. a conductor by which a current of electricity enters or leaves an electrolytic cell.
ELECTROEDelectroed v. Simple past tense and past participle of electro.
ELECTRO v. to make an electroplate for printing.
OEDOMETERoedometer n. (Geology) A device used for measuring the consolidation properties of soil.
OEDOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the consolidation of a soil specimen under pressure.
OUTPEEREDoutpeered v. Simple past tense and past participle of outpeer.
OUTPEER v. (Shakespeare) to surpass, excel.
PEDOMETERpedometer n. A device, often electronic, that measures the number of steps taken, and thus estimates the distance walked.
pedometer n. (North American) Alternative spelling of paedometer.
PEDOMETER n. an instrument for measuring distance travelled on foot.
PREDEVOTEpredevote adj. (Obsolete, nonce word, poetic) predestined.
PREDEVOTE v. to devote or dedicate beforehand.
RETROCEDEretrocede v. (Transitive) To grant back.
retrocede v. (Intransitive) To go back.
RETROCEDE v. to cede back (a territory).
STEVEDOREstevedore n. A dockworker involved in loading and unloading cargo, or in supervising such work.
stevedore v. (Transitive) To load or unload a ship’s cargo.
STEVEDORE n. a dock worker who loads and unloads ships.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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