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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing D, 3E, I, S and T

DECISTEREdecistere n. One tenth of a stere or cubic metre.
DECISTERE n. one tenth of a stere or cubic meter.
DETAINEESdetainees n. Plural of detainee.
DETAINEE n. one who is detained.
DETERSIVEdetersive adj. Having cleansing abilities.
detersive n. A cleansing agent; a detergent.
DETERSIVE adj. cleansing.
DISESTEEMdisesteem n. Lack of esteem; disregard.
disesteem v. To hold little or no esteem for; to consider worthless.
DISESTEEM v. to hold of low value.
DWEEBIESTdweebiest adj. Superlative form of dweeby: most dweeby.
DWEEBY adj. socially inept, also DWEEBISH.
ETERNISEDeternised v. Simple past tense and past participle of eternise.
ETERNISE v. to make eternal, also ETERNIZE.
ETHERISEDetherised v. Simple past tense and past participle of etherise.
ETHERISE v. to administer ether as an anaesthetic, also ETHERIZE.
EVENTIDESeventides n. Plural of eventide.
EVENTIDE n. evening.
EXPEDITESexpedites v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of expedite.
EXPEDITE v. to speed up the progress of.
GREEDIESTgreediest adj. Superlative form of greedy: most greedy.
GREEDY adj. marked by greed.
LEISTEREDleistered v. Simple past tense and past participle of leister.
LEISTER v. (Old Norse) to spear with a three-pronged fishing implement.
NEEDLIESTneedliest adv. Superlative form of needly: most needly.
NEEDLY adj. like needles.
SEEDTIMESseedtimes n. Plural of seedtime.
SEEDTIME n. the season for sowing seeds.
SPEEDIESTspeediest adj. Superlative form of speedy: most speedy.
SPEEDY adj. fast.
STEEDLIKEsteedlike adj. (Rare, poetic) Resembling a steed; horselike.
STEEDLIKE adj. like a steed.
TELEVISEDtelevised v. Simple past tense and past participle of televise.
televised adj. Broadcast by television.
TELEVISE v. to broadcast by television.
TENDERISEtenderise v. Alternative spelling of tenderize.
TENDERISE v. to make tender, also TENDERIZE.
TEREDINESteredines n. Plural of teredine.
TEREDO n. (Latin) a bivalve mollusk.
TWEEDIESTtweediest adj. Superlative form of tweedy: most tweedy.
TWEEDY adj. of a refined, traditional, upscale character.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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