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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing D, L, 2O, 2S and U

BLOODGUILTINESSbloodguiltiness n. Guilt of having shed blood or killed someone.
BLOODGUILTINESS n. the state of being bloodguilty.
DESSERTSPOONFULdessertspoonful n. A quantity of something about the volume of a dessertspoon, or 2 teaspoons.
DESSERTSPOONFUL n. the contents of a dessert spoon.
DISCOLOURATIONSdiscolourations n. Plural of discolouration.
DISCOLOURATION n. the act of discolouring, also DISCOLORATION.
DISCOMBOBULATESdiscombobulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of discombobulate.
DISCOMBOBULATE v. to throw into a state of confusion, also DISCOMBOBERATE.
DISCOMMODIOUSLYdiscommodiously adv. In a discommodious manner.
DISCOMMODIOUS adv. inconvenient.
DISCONTINUOUSLYdiscontinuously adv. In a discontinuous manner; not continuously.
DISCONTINUOUS adv. not continuous.
DISHARMONIOUSLYdisharmoniously adv. In a disharmonious manner.
DISHARMONIOUS adv. lacking in harmony.
DISSOLUTIONISMSDISSOLUTIONISM n. belief in political dissolution.
DISSOLUTIONISTSdissolutionists n. Plural of dissolutionist.
DISSOLUTIONIST n. a proponent of dissolutionism.
DOLICHOSAURUSESDOLICHOSAURUS n. any member of the Dolichosauria, a group of Cretaceous fossil reptiles.
HOUSEHOLDERSHIPhouseholdership n. The position or role of a householder.
HOUSEHOLDERSHIP n. the office of householder.
HYDROCELLULOSESHYDROCELLULOSE n. a gelatinous material obtained by hydration of cellulose, used in papermaking, etc.
HYDROSULPHUROUSHYDROSULPHUROUS adj. as in hydrosulphurous acid.
PSEUDOSOLUTIONSpseudosolutions n. Plural of pseudosolution.
PSEUDOSOLUTION n. a false solution.
RIBONUCLEOSIDESribonucleosides n. Plural of ribonucleoside.
RIBONUCLEOSIDE n. a nucleoside containing ribose.
SCLERODERMATOUSsclerodermatous adj. Relating to, or exhibiting, scleroderma.
SCLERODERMATOUS adj. hard-skinned; having bony armour.
UNMELODIOUSNESSunmelodiousness n. The quality of being unmelodious.
UNMELODIOUSNESS n. the state of being unmelodious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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