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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing D, F, 2I, L, N and S

ANTIFEDERALISTSantifederalists n. Plural of antifederalist.
anti-federalists n. Plural of anti-federalist.
ANTIFEDERALIST n. one who is opposed to federalism.
CENTRIFUGALISEDcentrifugalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of centrifugalise.
CENTRIFUGALISE v. to subject to centrifugal force, also CENTRIFUGALIZE.
DEFENSIBILITIESdefensibilities n. Plural of defensibility.
DEFENSIBILITY n. the quality of being defensible.
DEFIBRILLATIONSdefibrillations n. Plural of defibrillation.
DEFIBRILLATION n. the act of defibrillating.
DEMULSIFICATIONdemulsification n. The breaking up of an emulsion.
DEMULSIFICATION n. the act of demulsifying.
DESULFURISATIONDESULFURISATION n. the removal of sulfur or sulfur compounds (as from coal or flue gas), also DESULFURIZATION.
DESULFURIZATIONdesulfurization n. The process of removing sulfur from a substance, such as flue gas or crude.
DESULFURIZATION n. the removal of sulfur or sulfur compounds (as from coal or flue gas), also DESULFURISATION.
DISAFFILIATIONSdisaffiliations n. Plural of disaffiliation.
DISAFFILIATION n. the act of disaffiliating.
DISINFLATIONARYdisinflationary adj. (Economics) Exhibiting or causing reduced inflation.
DISINFLATIONARY adj. relating to disinflation, a reversal of inflationary pressures.
FEDERALISATIONSfederalisations n. Plural of federalisation.
FEDERALISATION n. the process of federalising, also FEDERALIZATION.
FEDERALIZATIONSfederalizations n. Plural of federalization.
FEDERALIZATION n. the process of federalizing, also FEDERALISATION.
INDEFEASIBILITYindefeasibility n. The state or quality of being indefeasible, of being incapable of being defeated.
INDEFEASIBILITY n. the state of being indefeasible.
INDEFENSIBILITYindefensibility n. The quality or state of not being defensible.
INDEFENSIBILITY n. the state of being indefensible.
INDEFINABLENESSindefinableness n. The state of being indefinable.
INDEFINABLE n. that cannot be defined, also UNDEFINABLE.
LAPIDIFICATIONSlapidifications n. Plural of lapidification.
LAPIDIFICATION n. (archaic) the formation of stone.
REFUNDABILITIESREFUNDABILITY n. the state of being refundable.
SOLIDIFICATIONSsolidifications n. Plural of solidification.
SOLIDIFICATION n. the act of solidifying.
UNDERINFLATIONSUNDERINFLATION n. the state of being insufficiently inflated.
UNQUALIFIEDNESSunqualifiedness n. The state or condition of being unqualified.
UNQUALIFIEDNESS n. the state of being unqualified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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