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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing D, E, G, 2N, P and R

ANDROGYNOPHORESandrogynophores n. Plural of androgynophore.
ANDROGYNOPHORE n. another name for the androphore, a support or column on which stamens are raised.
CORRESPONDINGLYcorrespondingly adv. In a corresponding manner; conformably.
CORRESPONDING adv. similar, comparable.
COUNTERPLEADINGcounterpleading v. Present participle of counterplead.
counterpleading n. A pleading against; a contrary pleading.
COUNTERPLEAD v. to plead the contrary of.
DEPERSONALISINGdepersonalising v. Present participle of depersonalise.
DEPERSONALISE v. to take away the characteristics or personality of, also DEPERSONALIZE.
DEPERSONALIZINGdepersonalizing v. Present participle of depersonalize.
DEPERSONALIZE v. to deprive of the sense of personal identity, also DEPERSONALISE.
EQUIPONDERATINGequiponderating v. Present participle of equiponderate.
EQUIPONDERATE v. to be equal in weight; to balance.
GRANDPARENTHOODgrandparenthood n. The state of being a grandparent.
GRANDPARENTHOOD n. the state of being a grandparent.
MISAPPREHENDINGmisapprehending v. Present participle of misapprehend.
MISAPPREHEND v. to apprehend wrongly.
PEDESTRIANISINGpedestrianising v. Present participle of pedestrianise.
PEDESTRIANISE v. to make pedestrian, also PEDESTRIANIZE.
PEDESTRIANIZINGpedestrianizing v. Present participle of pedestrianize.
PEDESTRIANIZE v. to make pedestrian, also PEDESTRIANISE.
PRECONDITIONINGpreconditioning v. Present participle of precondition.
preconditioning n. The act of preparing something for a subsequent action.
PRECONDITION v. to put in a proper or desired condition or frame of mind esp. in preparation.
PREDESIGNATIONSpredesignations n. Plural of predesignation.
PREDESIGNATION n. the act of predesignating.
PREKINDERGARTENprekindergarten adj. Before kindergarten, or not yet old enough to attend it.
prekindergarten n. (US) The first formal academic learning environment for children, before kindergarten.
PREKINDERGARTEN n. a nursery school.
PSEUDOPREGNANCYpseudopregnancy n. Pseudocyesis or false pregnancy.
pseudopregnancy n. The persistence of the corpus luteum following infertile copulation in some mammals.
PSEUDOPREGNANCY n. false pregnancy.
SUPERCONDUCTINGsuperconducting adj. Exhibiting superconductivity.
SUPERCONDUCT v. to exhibit superconductivity.
SUPERORDINATINGsuperordinating v. Present participle of superordinate.
SUPERORDINATE v. to make superordinate.
UNCOMPREHENDINGuncomprehending adj. Lacking comprehension or understanding.
UNCOMPREHENDING adj. not comprehending.
UNDERDEVELOPINGunderdeveloping v. Present participle of underdevelop.
UNDERDEVELOP v. to develop insufficiently.
UNDEREXPLOITINGunderexploiting v. Present participle of underexploit.
UNDEREXPLOIT v. to make insufficient use of.
UNDERPERFORMINGunderperforming v. Present participle of underperform.
underperforming adj. That performs less well than required.
UNDERPERFORM v. to perform insufficiently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 137 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 17 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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