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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing D, 2E, G, O, P and T

CINEMATOGRAPHEDcinematographed v. Simple past tense and past participle of cinematograph.
CINEMATOGRAPH v. to record by movie projector.
COUNTERPLEADINGcounterpleading v. Present participle of counterplead.
counterpleading n. A pleading against; a contrary pleading.
COUNTERPLEAD v. to plead the contrary of.
DAGUERREOTYPERSdaguerreotypers n. Plural of daguerreotyper.
DAGUERREOTYPER n. one who develops daguerreotypes, also DAGUERREOTYPIST.
DAGUERREOTYPIESDAGUERREOTYPY n. the art of daguerreotyping.
DAGUERREOTYPINGdaguerreotyping v. Present participle of daguerreotype.
DAGUERREOTYPE v. to develop by daguerreotype, a method of photography by mercury vapour development of silver iodide.
DAGUERREOTYPISTdaguerreotypist n. A person who makes daguerreotypes.
DAGUERREOTYPIST n. one who practises daguerreotyping, also DAGUERREOTYPER.
DEPHLOGISTICATEdephlogisticate v. To take away the phlogiston, i.e. ability to burn, which is now understood to be chemically impossible.
DEPHLOGISTICATE v. to make something fireproof.
DEPIGMENTATIONSdepigmentations n. Plural of depigmentation.
DEPIGMENTATION n. loss of normal pigmentation.
DERMATOGRAPHIESDERMATOGRAPHY n. anatomical description of the skin, also DERMOGRAPHY.
EPIDEMIOLOGISTSepidemiologists n. Plural of epidemiologist.
EPIDEMIOLOGIST n. one who studies diseases.
EQUIPONDERATINGequiponderating v. Present participle of equiponderate.
EQUIPONDERATE v. to be equal in weight; to balance.
LEPIDOPTEROLOGYlepidopterology n. (Biology, zoology, entomology) The scientific study of butterflies and moths (the Lepidoptera).
lepidopterology n. Lepidoptery, (the hobby of butterfly collecting).
LEPIDOPTEROLOGY n. the study of butterflies and moths.
PHOTODEGRADABLEphotodegradable adj. Capable of being chemically broken down as the result of a photochemical reaction.
PHOTODEGRADABLE adj. chemically degradable by the action of light.
PREDESIGNATIONSpredesignations n. Plural of predesignation.
PREDESIGNATION n. the act of predesignating.
RADIOTELEGRAPHSradiotelegraphs n. Plural of radiotelegraph.
RADIOTELEGRAPH n. wireless telegraphy.
RADIOTELEGRAPHYradiotelegraphy n. The process and techniques of sending telegrams using radio waves rather than wires.
radio␣telegraphy n. The transmission of Morse code (etc) using radio.
RADIOTELEGRAPHY n. signalling by radiotelegraph, wireless telegraphy.
UNDEREXPLOITINGunderexploiting v. Present participle of underexploit.
UNDEREXPLOIT v. to make insufficient use of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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