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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 12 fourteen-letter words containing D, L, 2R, S and 2T

BLOODTHIRSTIERbloodthirstier adj. Comparative form of bloodthirsty: more bloodthirsty.
BLOODTHIRSTY adj. eager for bloodshed.
DISARTICULATORdisarticulator n. One who disarticulates and prepares skeletons.
DISARTICULATOR n. a device for disarticulating joints.
DROOLWORTHIESTDROOLWORTHY adj. inspiring or likely to inspire excessive enthusiasm or pleasure; extremely attractive or desirable.
KETTLEDRUMMERSkettledrummers n. Plural of kettledrummer.
KETTLEDRUMMER n. one who plays the kettledrums.
STRUCTURALISEDstructuralised v. Simple past tense and past participle of structuralise.
STRUCTURALISE v. to organize or incorporate into a structure, also STRUCTURALIZE.
STRUCTURALIZEDstructuralized v. Simple past tense and past participle of structuralize.
STRUCTURALIZE v. to organize or incorporate into a structure, also STRUCTURALISE.
TETRACHLORIDEStetrachlorides n. Plural of tetrachloride.
TETRACHLORIDE n. a chloride containing four atoms of chlorine.
TETRAFLUORIDEStetrafluorides n. Plural of tetrafluoride.
TETRAFLUORIDE n. a fluoride containing four atoms of fluorine.
TRANSLITERATEDtransliterated adj. Represented in the characters of another alphabet.
transliterated v. Simple past tense and past participle of transliterate.
TRANSLITERATE v. to represent or spell in the characters of another alphabet.
TRISOCTAHEDRALtrisoctahedral adj. Having the form of a trisoctahedron.
TRISOCTAHEDRAL adj. having the form of a trisoctahedron.
ULTRAMODERNISTultramodernist n. One who strongly believes in current views, who is extremely modern in ideas or style.
ULTRAMODERNIST n. one who practises ultramodernism.
UNRESTRICTEDLYunrestrictedly adv. Without restriction; freely, completely.
UNRESTRICTED adv. not restricted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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