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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing D, L, 2O, P, R and S

ACHONDROPLASIAachondroplasia n. (Teratology) A genetic disorder, the most common form of short limb dwarfism.
ACHONDROPLASIA n. a condition where cartilage does not develop normally, resulting in dwarfism.
ANDROCEPHALOUSandrocephalous adj. Having a human head (upon an animal’s body), like the Egyptian sphinx.
ANDROCEPHALOUS adj. with a human head.
CHLAMYDOSPORESchlamydospores n. Plural of chlamydospore.
CHLAMYDOSPORE n. a thick-walled usually resting fungal spore.
DEPOLARISATIONdepolarisation n. Alternative spelling of depolarization.
DEPOLARISATION n. the act of depolarising, also DEPOLARIZATION.
DINITROPHENOLSdinitrophenols n. Plural of dinitrophenol.
DINITROPHENOL n. any of six isomeric crystalline compounds some of whose derivatives are pesticides.
ELECTRODEPOSITelectrodeposit v. To deposit by means of electrodeposition.
ELECTRODEPOSIT n. a deposit (as of metal or rubber) made by electrolysis.
HETEROPLOIDIESheteroploidies n. Plural of heteroploidy.
HETEROPLOIDY n. the state of being heteroploid.
HYDROCEPHALOUShydrocephalous adj. Having a swollen head.
hydrocephalous adj. (Medicine) Afflicted with hydrocephalus.
HYDROCEPHALOUS adj. suffering from hydrocephaly, also HYDROCEPHALIC.
LEUKODYSTROPHYleukodystrophy n. (Medicine) Any of a group of disorders characterized by progressive degeneration of the white matter…
LEUKODYSTROPHY n. any of several genetically determined diseases characterized by progressive degeneration of myelin in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.
PARADOXOLOGIESparadoxologies n. Plural of paradoxology.
PARADOXOLOGY n. the holding or maintaining of paradoxes.
PHOSPHORYLATEDphosphorylated v. Simple past tense and past participle of phosphorylate.
phosphorylated adj. (Chemistry) reacted or combined with phosphoric acid.
PHOSPHORYLATE v. to cause (an organic compound) to take up or combine with phosphoric acid or a phosphorus-containing group.
POLYPROTODONTSpolyprotodonts n. Plural of polyprotodont.
POLYPROTODONT n. any member of the Polyprotodontia, the suborder of marsupials, including opossums, dasyures, etc., with many small incisors.
PRONOMINALISEDPRONOMINALISE v. to make into or treat as a pronoun, also PRONOMINALIZE.
PTERIDOLOGISTSpteridologists n. Plural of pteridologist.
PTERIDOLOGIST n. one who studies pteridology.
PYRAMIDOLOGIESPYRAMIDOLOGY n. the study of the Egyptian pyramids.
PYRAMIDOLOGISTpyramidologist n. One who studies pyramidology, who studies pyramids from a supernatural viewpoint.
PYRAMIDOLOGIST n. a specialist in pyramidology.
SCOLOPENDRIUMSSCOLOPENDRIUM n. any fern with undivided leaves of the genus Scolopendrium, including hart's tongue.
SUPRACHOROIDALsuprachoroidal adj. (Anatomy) suprachoroid.
SUPRACHOROIDAL adj. relating to, or being the layer of loose connective tissue situated between the choroid and sclerotic coats of the eyeball.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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