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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing D, I, L, 2O and 2R

ADRENOCORTICALadrenocortical adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the adrenal cortex.
adreno-cortical adj. Alternative spelling of adrenocortical.
ADRENOCORTICAL adj. of, relating to, or derived from the cortex of the adrenal glands.
BLOODTHIRSTIERbloodthirstier adj. Comparative form of bloodthirsty: more bloodthirsty.
BLOODTHIRSTY adj. eager for bloodshed.
BRONCHODILATORbronchodilator n. (Medicine) Any drug used to dilate and relax the bronchial passages and ease the flow of air to the lungs.
BRONCHODILATOR n. a drug that relaxes bronchial muscle resulting in expansion of the bronchial air passages.
CHLOROBROMIDESchlorobromides n. Plural of chlorobromide.
CHLOROBROMIDE n. a compound of chlorine and bromine with a metal or organic radical.
CHLORPROPAMIDEchlorpropamide n. (Medicine) A sulfonylurea antidiabetic drug.
CHLORPROPAMIDE n. a sulfonylurea drug used orally to reduce blood sugar in the treatment of mild diabetes.
COLOURBREEDINGcolourbreeding v. Present participle of colourbreed.
COLOURBREED v. to breed (animals or plants) to be a particular colour, also COLORBREED.
DEHYDRORETINOLdehydroretinol n. (Organic chemistry) A derivative of retinol having an extra double bond; vitamin A2.
DROOLWORTHIESTDROOLWORTHY adj. inspiring or likely to inspire excessive enthusiasm or pleasure; extremely attractive or desirable.
HYDROCHLORIDEShydrochlorides n. Plural of hydrochloride.
HYDROCHLORIDE n. a chemical complex composed of an organic base in association with hydrogen chloride.
HYDROCORALLINEHYDROCORALLINE n. a member the Hydrozoa, which includes millepores etc.
HYDROXYPROLINEhydroxyproline n. (Biochemistry) A hydroxy derivative of the amino acid proline found in the structural proteins of connective tissue.
HYDROXYPROLINE n. an amino acid.
INTRODUCTORILYintroductorily adv. By way of introduction.
INTRODUCTORY adv. serving to introduce, also INTRODUCTIVE.
MICROELECTRODEmicroelectrode n. A very small, fine electrode, most often used to study the electrical behaviour of biological cells or tissues.
MICROELECTRODE n. a minute electrode.
NEURORADIOLOGYneuroradiology n. The radiology of the nervous system; especially the use of radiation to diagnose and treat disorders…
NEURORADIOLOGY n. radiology of the nervous system.
OTHERWORLDLIEROTHERWORLDLY adj. of, relating to, or resembling that of a world other than the actual world, also OTHERWORLDISH.
OVERFLOURISHEDoverflourished v. Simple past tense and past participle of overflourish.
OVERFLOURISH v. to cover with blossom, or with flourishes or ornament.
OVERGLAMORIZEDoverglamorized v. Simple past tense and past participle of overglamorize.
OVERGLAMORIZE v. to glamorize to excess, also OVERGLAMORISE.
SUPRACHOROIDALsuprachoroidal adj. (Anatomy) suprachoroid.
SUPRACHOROIDAL adj. relating to, or being the layer of loose connective tissue situated between the choroid and sclerotic coats of the eyeball.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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