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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing D, I, 2L, N, P and Y

ADAPTATIONALLYadaptationally adv. In terms of, or by means of, adaptation.
ADAPTATIONAL adv. relating to adaptation.
DISCIPLINARILYdisciplinarily adv. In a disciplinary way.
DISCIPLINARY adv. serving to discipline.
ENCYCLOPEDICALencyclopedical adj. (American spelling) Alternative spelling of encyclopaedical.
ENCYCLOPEDICAL adj. of or relating to an encyclopedia; comprehensive; full of information, also ENCYCLOPAEDIC, ENCYCLOPAEDICAL, ENCYCLOPEDIC.
ENDOPHYTICALLYendophytically adv. In an endophytic manner.
ENDOPHYTIC adv. of or like an endophyte, an endoparasitic plant, also ENDOPHITIC.
ENDOPOLYPLOIDYendopolyploidy n. The replication of chromosomes without the division of the cell nucleus; generates a polyploid nucleus.
ENDOPOLYPLOIDY n. a polyploid state in which the chromosomes have divided repeatedly without subsequent division of the nucleus or cell.
ENDOSCOPICALLYendoscopically adv. By means of an endoscope.
ENDOSCOPIC adv. relating to an endoscope.
EXPEDIENTIALLYexpedientially adv. In an expediential manner.
EXPEDIENTIAL adv. relating to expediency.
HYDROPONICALLYhydroponically adv. Using hydroponics.
HYDROPONIC adv. relating to hydroponics, the practice of growing plants in a chemical solution without soil.
POLYNUCLEOTIDEpolynucleotide n. (Biochemistry) A polymeric macromolecule composed of many nucleotides; examples include DNA and RNA.
POLYNUCLEOTIDE n. a polymeric chain of nucleotides.
POLYVINYLIDENEpolyvinylidene n. (Chemistry) Any polymer derived from monomers of general formula CH2=CX2 where X is typically a halogen.
polyvinylidene n. A polyvinylidene resin.
POLYVINYLIDENE n. any polymer derived from halogen monomers.
POSTPRANDIALLYpostprandially adv. In a postprandial manner; after a meal; especially, after dinner.
PRECEDENTIALLYprecedentially adv. (Law) In a manner having the force of precedent.
PRECEDENTIAL adv. of the nature of a precedent.
PRESIDENTIALLYpresidentially adv. In a presidential way.
PRESIDENTIAL adv. relating to a president.
PROVIDENTIALLYprovidentially adv. In a providential manner.
PROVIDENTIAL adv. of, relating to, or determined by Providence.
SIMPLEMINDEDLYsimplemindedly adv. In a simpleminded manner.
simple-mindedly adv. In a simple-minded manner. Lacking sophistication or intelligence.
SIMPLEMINDED adv. devoid of subtlety.
SPELLBINDINGLYspellbindingly adv. In a spellbinding manner.
SPELLBINDING adv. SPELLBIND, to bind by or as by a spell.
UNPEDANTICALLYSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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