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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 13 fourteen-letter words containing D, H, M, P, R, S and T

CRYPTORCHIDISMcryptorchidism n. (Andrology) The failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum.
CRYPTORCHIDISM n. the condition in which one or both testes do not descend normally, also CRYPTORCHISM.
DIAPHANOMETERSdiaphanometers n. Plural of diaphanometer.
DIAPHANOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the transparency of air.
DRAFTSMANSHIPSdraftsmanships n. Plural of draftsmanship.
DRAFTSMANSHIP n. the craft of the draftsman, also DRAUGHTSMANSHIP.
HEADMASTERSHIPheadmastership n. The role or position of headmaster.
HEADMASTERSHIP n. the office of headmaster.
HERMAPHRODITEShermaphrodites n. Plural of hermaphrodite.
HERMAPHRODITE n. a human being, animal or plant with the organs of both sexes.
HYPERMODERNISThypermodernist n. A proponent of hypermodernism (in any sense).
HYPERMODERNIST n. a practitioner of a hypermodernist style in art.
HYPOTHYROIDISMhypothyroidism n. (Pathology) The disease state caused by insufficient production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland.
HYPOTHYROIDISM n. deficient activity of the thyroid gland.
MODERATORSHIPSmoderatorships n. Plural of moderatorship.
MODERATORSHIP n. the office of moderator.
NEPHRECTOMISEDnephrectomised v. Simple past tense and past participle of nephrectomise.
NEPHRECTOMISE v. to perform a nephrectomy, also NEPHRECTOMIZE.
PACHYDERMATOUSpachydermatous adj. Of or relating to the pachyderms.
pachydermatous adj. Like an elephant.
pachydermatous adj. (Humorous) Thick-skinned; insensitive.
PHOTOPERIODISMphotoperiodism n. (Biology) The growth, development and other responses of plants and animals according to the length…
PHOTOPERIODISM n. a plant or animal's response or capacity to respond to photoperiod.
PSYCHODRAMATICpsychodramatic adj. Pertaining to psychodrama.
PSYCHODRAMATIC adj. relating to psychodrama.
RUMBLEDETHUMPSrumbledethumps n. A traditional Scottish dish of potato, cabbage and onion with butter, salt and pepper.
RUMBLEDETHUMPS n. a Scottish dish of butter and mashed potatoes, sometimes mixed with cabbage or turnips, also RUMBLEDETHUMP.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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