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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 13 fourteen-letter words containing D, H, I, L, 2R and T

ANTIDIARRHEALSantidiarrheals n. Plural of antidiarrheal.
ANTIDIARRHEAL n. a drug used to counter diarrhea.
ANTIDIARRHOEALantidiarrhoeal adj. Alternative spelling of antidiarrheal.
antidiarrhoeal n. Alternative spelling of antidiarrheal.
antidiarrhœal adj. Obsolete form of antidiarrheal.
BLOODTHIRSTIERbloodthirstier adj. Comparative form of bloodthirsty: more bloodthirsty.
BLOODTHIRSTY adj. eager for bloodshed.
BRONCHODILATORbronchodilator n. (Medicine) Any drug used to dilate and relax the bronchial passages and ease the flow of air to the lungs.
BRONCHODILATOR n. a drug that relaxes bronchial muscle resulting in expansion of the bronchial air passages.
DEHYDRORETINOLdehydroretinol n. (Organic chemistry) A derivative of retinol having an extra double bond; vitamin A2.
DROOLWORTHIESTDROOLWORTHY adj. inspiring or likely to inspire excessive enthusiasm or pleasure; extremely attractive or desirable.
HEARTRENDINGLYheartrendingly adv. In a heartrending manner.
heart-rendingly adv. In a heart-rending manner.
HEARTRENDING adv. causing great grief.
OTHERWORLDLIEROTHERWORLDLY adj. of, relating to, or resembling that of a world other than the actual world, also OTHERWORLDISH.
RADIOTELEGRAPHradiotelegraph n. Wireless telegraphy.
radiotelegraph v. To communicate or transmit by wireless telegraphy.
RADIOTELEGRAPH n. wireless telegraphy.
SCRATCHBUILDERSCRATCHBUILDER n. one who scratchbuilds, builds models from raw materials, as opposed to constructing from kits or buying ready made.
TETRACHLORIDEStetrachlorides n. Plural of tetrachloride.
TETRACHLORIDE n. a chloride containing four atoms of chlorine.
TRISOCTAHEDRALtrisoctahedral adj. Having the form of a trisoctahedron.
TRISOCTAHEDRAL adj. having the form of a trisoctahedron.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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