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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing D, E, O, 2P, R and U

APPROPINQUATEDappropinquated v. Simple past tense and past participle of appropinquate.
APPROPINQUATE v. (archaic) to approach, also APPROPINQUE.
CAPPARIDACEOUScapparidaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Capparidaceae (preferred: Capparaceae) of capers and close relatives.
CAPPARIDACEOUS adj. of the Capparidaceae family of plants, related to the crucifers, and including the caper.
DIPTEROCARPOUSDIPTEROCARPOUS adj. of or like a dipterocarp.
HYPERPRODUCERShyperproducers n. Plural of hyperproducer.
HYPERPRODUCER n. an agent causing hyperproduction.
PREPRODUCTIONSpreproductions n. Plural of preproduction.
pre-productions n. Plural of pre-production.
PREPRODUCTION n. a preliminary production.
PROPAEDEUTICALpropaedeutical adj. Alternative form of propaedeutic.
PROPAEDEUTICAL adj. of or like a propaedeutic, a preliminary study.
PSEUDOGRAPHIESpseudographies n. Plural of pseudography.
PSEUDOGRAPHY n. unsatisfactory spelling.
PSEUDOMORPHISMpseudomorphism n. (Crystallography) The state of having, or the property of taking, a crystalline form unlike that of the species.
PSEUDOMORPHISM n. the state of being pseudomorphic.
PSEUDOMORPHOUSpseudomorphous adj. Not having the true form.
PSEUDOMORPHOUS adj. of or like a pseudomorph, also PSEUDOMORPHIC.
PSEUDOPREGNANTpseudopregnant adj. Of, pertaining to, or undergoing pseudopregnancy.
PSEUDOPREGNANT adj. relating to pseudopregnancy.
PSEUDOSCORPIONpseudoscorpion n. An arachnid belonging to the order Pseudoscorpiones, also known as Pseudoscorpionida or Chelonethida.
PSEUDOSCORPION n. any of various small arachnids of the order Pseudoscorpiones, resembling a scorpion but tailless, and found in soil, leaf litter, bark, etc.
PTERIDOPHYTOUSPTERIDOPHYTOUS adj. of or like a pteridophyte, a fern, also PTERIDOPHYTIC.
SUPERDIPLOMATSsuperdiplomats n. Plural of superdiplomat.
SUPERDIPLOMAT n. an exceptional diplomat.
UNAPPROPRIATEDunappropriated adj. That has not been appropriated for a specific use, or assigned to a specific person or organization.
UNAPPROPRIATED adj. not appropriated.
UNDERPOPULATEDunderpopulated adj. Having an insufficient population for economic viability.
UNDERPOPULATED adj. having a lower density of population than is normal or desirable.
UNPREPOSSESSEDunprepossessed adj. (Rare) Not prepossessed; unbiased.
UNPREPOSSESSED adj. not prepossessed.
UNPROPORTIONEDunproportioned adj. Not proportioned.
UNPROPORTIONED adj. not proportioned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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