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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing D, E, M, N, O, P and U

DECOMPOUNDABLEdecompoundable adj. Capable of being decompounded.
DECOMPOUNDABLE adj. able to be decompounded.
DIPLOSTEMONOUSdiplostemonous adj. (Botany) Having twice as many stamens as petals in two whorls, the inner aligned with the petals.
diplostemonous adj. (Botany, uncommon) Having twice as many stamens as petals.
DIPLOSTEMONOUS adj. having two whorls of stamens, the outer alternating with the petals, the inner with the outer.
HYDROPNEUMATIChydropneumatic adj. Operated by both fluid and air power.
hydropneumatic adj. Being, or pertaining to, a type of automotive suspension system based on a nitrogen springing medium.
HYDROPNEUMATIC adj. utilizing water and air acting together.
OUTMANIPULATEDoutmanipulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of outmanipulate.
OUTMANIPULATE v. to surpass in manipulation.
PNEUMODYNAMICSPNEUMODYNAMICS n. the science of the mechanical properties of gases.
PSEUDOMEMBRANEpseudomembrane n. (Medicine, pathology) A layer which resembles a membrane, especially one forming over a mucosal surface.
PSEUDOMEMBRANE n. a false membrane.
PSEUDONYMITIESpseudonymities n. Plural of pseudonymity.
PSEUDONYMITY n. the state of being pseudonymous.
PSEUDONYMOUSLYpseudonymously adv. Under a pseudonym.
pseudonymously adv. (Computing, law) Pertaining to pseudonymization.
PSEUDONYMOUS adv. using a pseudonym.
SCOLOPENDRIUMSSCOLOPENDRIUM n. any fern with undivided leaves of the genus Scolopendrium, including hart's tongue.
SUBDEVELOPMENTsubdevelopment n. A development making up part of a larger development.
SUBDEVELOPMENT n. a subdivision of a development.
SUPERDOMINANTSsuperdominants n. Plural of superdominant.
SUPERDOMINANT n. the submediant or 6th tone of the diatonic scale.
UNACCOMPLISHEDunaccomplished adj. Not accomplished; Not having occurred or been successfully carried out.
unaccomplished adj. Not accomplished; having few skills or achievements.
UNACCOMPLISHED adj. not accomplished.
UNCOMPREHENDEDuncomprehended adj. Not comprehended; not understood.
UNCOMPREHENDED adj. not comprehended.
UNCOMPUTERISEDuncomputerised adj. Alternative spelling of uncomputerized.
UNCOMPUTERISED adj. not computerised, also UNCOMPUTERIZED.
UNCOMPUTERIZEDuncomputerized adj. Not computerized.
UNCOMPUTERIZED adj. not computerized, also UNCOMPUTERISED.
UNCONTEMPLATEDuncontemplated adj. Not contemplated.
UNCONTEMPLATED adj. not contemplated.
UNDECOMPOSABLEundecomposable adj. Unable to be decomposed.
UNDECOMPOSABLE adj. not decomposable.
UNDERPERFORMEDunderperformed v. Simple past tense and past participle of underperform.
UNDERPERFORM v. to perform insufficiently.
UNDERPERFORMERunderperformer n. One who or that which underperforms, having performance that is below average or below expectations;…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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