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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing D, E, 2L, O, S and U

BLOODGUILTIESTBLOODGUILTY adj. guilty of shedding blood.
DISCOUNSELLINGdiscounselling v. Present participle of discounsel.
DISCOUNSEL v. (Spenser) to dissuade.
DISILLUSIONISEdisillusionise v. Alternative spelling of disillusionize.
DISILLUSIONISE v. to free from illusion, also DISILLUSIONIZE.
DISILLUSIONIZEdisillusionize v. (Transitive) To disillusion, disabuse, free from illusion.
DISILLUSIONIZE v. to free from illusion, also DISILLUSIONISE.
DISSOLUBLENESSdissolubleness n. The state or quality of being dissoluble.
DISSOLUBLENESS n. the state of being dissoluble.
GLANDULIFEROUSglanduliferous adj. Bearing glandules.
GLANDULIFEROUS adj. bearing small glands.
HYDROCELLULOSEhydrocellulose n. A hydrated form of cellulose used in the manufacture of paper etc.
HYDROCELLULOSE n. a gelatinous material obtained by hydration of cellulose, used in papermaking, etc.
LEPTODACTYLOUSleptodactylous adj. Having fine, slender toes or fingers.
LEPTODACTYLOUS adj. having fine, slender digits.
LOGODAEDALUSESlogodaedaluses n. Plural of logodaedalus.
LOGODAEDALUS n. one skilled in the manipulative use of words.
MANGOLDWURZELSmangoldwurzels n. Plural of mangoldwurzel.
mangold␣wurzels n. Plural of mangold wurzel.
MANGOLDWURZEL n. a mangelwurzel, also MANGELWURZEL.
MODULABILITIESMODULABILITY n. the capability of being modulated.
MOULDABILITIESMOULDABILITY n. the quality of being mouldable, also MOLDABILITY.
POLLUTEDNESSESPOLLUTEDNESS n. the state of being polluted.
QUINDECILLIONSquindecillions n. Plural of quindecillion.
QUINDECILLION n. ten to the power of 48, or in Britain ten to the power of 90.
SOLIDUNGULATESsolidungulates n. Plural of solidungulate.
SOLIDUNGULATE n. an animal with an uncloven hoof, also SOLIDUNGULOUS.
SUPERCOLLIDERSsupercolliders n. Plural of supercollider.
SUPERCOLLIDER n. a very large collider capable of accelerating particles to very high energies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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