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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing D, E, H, 2O and 2T

BLOODTHIRSTIERbloodthirstier adj. Comparative form of bloodthirsty: more bloodthirsty.
BLOODTHIRSTY adj. eager for bloodshed.
DROOLWORTHIESTDROOLWORTHY adj. inspiring or likely to inspire excessive enthusiasm or pleasure; extremely attractive or desirable.
ENDOTHELIOMATAendotheliomata n. Plural of endothelioma.
ENDOTHELIOMA n. a tumour of the endothelia.
HYDROEXTRACTORhydroextractor n. A machine that uses a rotating drum to remove excess water from textiles.
HYDROEXTRACTOR n. a drying machine that works centrifugally.
KINETHEODOLITEkinetheodolite n. A form of theodolite used to track the movement of an aircraft or missile.
KINETHEODOLITE n. a theodolite used in tracking missiles and satellites.
METHODIZATIONSmethodizations n. Plural of methodization.
METHODIZATION n. the process of methodizing, also METHODISATION.
METHODOLOGISTSmethodologists n. Plural of methodologist.
METHODOLOGIST n. a student of methodology.
PHOTODETECTORSphotodetectors n. Plural of photodetector.
PHOTODETECTOR n. any of various devices for detecting and measuring the intensity of radiant energy through photoelectric action.
PHOTODUPLICATEphotoduplicate n. A photocopy.
photoduplicate v. (Transitive) To photocopy.
PHOTODUPLICATE v. to duplicate by photocopier.
PHOTOELECTRODEphotoelectrode n. (Physics) Either electrode of a photoelectric cell.
PHOTOELECTRODE n. an electrode which can exhibit photoelectricity.
PHOTOINDUCTIVEphotoinductive adj. Relating to photoinduction.
PHOTOINDUCTIVE adj. relating to photoinduction.
PHOTOOXIDATIVEphotooxidative adj. That causes, or undergoes photooxidation.
PHOTOOXIDATIVE adj. relating to photooxidation.
PHOTOREDUCTIONphotoreduction n. (Physics, chemistry) The addition of an electron to a photoexcited species.
photoreduction n. (Chemistry) Any reduction reaction that takes place in the presence of light.
PHOTOREDUCTION n. chemical reduction under the influence of radiant energy, as light.
PROTOCHORDATESprotochordates n. Plural of protochordate.
PROTOCHORDATE n. a member of the Protochordata.
PTERIDOPHYTOUSPTERIDOPHYTOUS adj. of or like a pteridophyte, a fern, also PTERIDOPHYTIC.
SNAGGLETOOTHEDsnaggletoothed adj. Having misaligned, broken, missing or otherwise damaged or disorderly teeth.
snaggle-toothed adj. Alternative spelling of snaggletoothed.
SNAGGLETOOTHED adj. having a snaggletooth, an irregular, broken, or projecting tooth.
TENDONOPATHIESSorry, definition not available.
TRIIODOMETHANEtriiodomethane n. (Organic chemistry) iodoform.
TRIIODOMETHANE n. another name for iodoform.
TRISOCTAHEDRONtrisoctahedron n. (Crystallography) A solid of the isometric system bounded by 24 equal faces, three corresponding to…
TRISOCTAHEDRON n. a solid figure having 24 congruent faces and an octahedron as a base.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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