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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 14 fourteen-letter words containing D, 3E, I and 2O

AFOREMENTIONEDaforementioned adj. Previously mentioned.
aforementioned n. (Uncountable) The one or ones mentioned previously.
AFOREMENTIONED adj. mentioned before in writing or speech, also FOREMENTIONED.
DEUTEROSCOPIESDEUTEROSCOPY n. second view or meaning; second sight.
DUODENECTOMIESduodenectomies n. Plural of duodenectomy.
DUODENECTOMY n. the surgical removal of the duodenum.
DYSTELEOLOGIESDYSTELEOLOGY n. the study of functionless rudimentary organs in animals and plants.
ELECTRODEPOSITelectrodeposit v. To deposit by means of electrodeposition.
ELECTRODEPOSIT n. a deposit (as of metal or rubber) made by electrolysis.
EPIDEMIOLOGIESepidemiologies n. Plural of epidemiology.
EPIDEMIOLOGY n. the study of diseases.
HETEROPLOIDIESheteroploidies n. Plural of heteroploidy.
HETEROPLOIDY n. the state of being heteroploid.
KINETHEODOLITEkinetheodolite n. A form of theodolite used to track the movement of an aircraft or missile.
KINETHEODOLITE n. a theodolite used in tracking missiles and satellites.
MICROELECTRODEmicroelectrode n. A very small, fine electrode, most often used to study the electrical behaviour of biological cells or tissues.
MICROELECTRODE n. a minute electrode.
NEUROENDOCRINEneuroendocrine adj. (Physiology, pathology) pertaining to the nervous system and endocrine system together.
NEUROENDOCRINE adj. of, relating to, or being a hormonal substance that influences the activity of nerves.
OVERCONFIDENCEoverconfidence n. An excessive or unwarranted degree of confidence.
OVERCONFIDENCE n. excessive confidence.
OVERDEVELOPINGoverdeveloping v. Present participle of overdevelop.
OVERDEVELOP v. to develop excessively.
RADIOTELEPHONEradiotelephone n. A device that allows two-way communication via radio.
radiotelephone v. To communicate via such a device.
radio-telephone n. (Telephony) Alternative spelling of radiotelephone.
VIDEOTELEPHONEvideotelephone n. A videophone.
VIDEOTELEPHONE n. a telephone with accompanying means of transmitting a picture of each speaker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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