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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 9 fourteen-letter words containing 2D, 2E, H, I and T

DEHYDRORETINOLdehydroretinol n. (Organic chemistry) A derivative of retinol having an extra double bond; vitamin A2.
DEMYTHOLOGISEDdemythologised v. Simple past tense and past participle of demythologise.
DEMYTHOLOGISE v. to remove mythology from in order to arrive at the basic meaning, also DEMYTHOLOGIZE.
DEMYTHOLOGIZEDdemythologized v. Simple past tense and past participle of demythologize.
DEMYTHOLOGIZE v. to divest of mythological forms in order to uncover the meaning underlying them, also DEMYTHOLOGISE.
DIMENHYDRINATEdimenhydrinate n. (Pharmacology) A crystalline antihistamine over-the-counter drug used to prevent nausea and motion sickness.
DIMENHYDRINATE n. a crystalline antihistamine used esp. to prevent nausea, as in motion sickness.
DISESTABLISHEDdisestablished v. Simple past tense and past participle of disestablish.
DISESTABLISH v. to deprive of an established status.
FEATHERBEDDINGfeatherbedding v. Present participle of featherbed.
featherbedding n. (US) The employment of more workers than is necessary, typically because of labor union rules (or sometimes…
feather-bedding v. Present participle of feather-bed.
HUNDREDWEIGHTShundredweights n. Plural of hundredweight.
HUNDREDWEIGHT n. 1/20 of a ton, or 112lb. avoirdupois.
NEANDERTHALOIDNeanderthaloid adj. Resembling or characteristic of the extinct Neanderthal species.
NEANDERTHALOID adj. of or like a neanderthaler.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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