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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing D, M, 2N, 2S and U

DISANNULMENTSdisannulments n. Plural of disannulment.
DISANNULMENT n. the act of disannulling.
HAUSSMANNISEDHAUSSMANNISE v. to open out, generally to rebuild, as Baron Haussmann did in Paris as prefect of the Seine (1853-70), also HAUSSMANNIZE.
HAUSSMANNIZEDHaussmannized v. Simple past tense and past participle of Haussmannize.
HAUSSMANNIZE v. to open out, generally to rebuild, as Baron Haussmann did in Paris as prefect of the Seine (1853-70), also HAUSSMANNISE.
MAUDLINNESSESMAUDLINNESS n. maudlin sentimentality, also MAUDLINISM.
MINDFULNESSESmindfulnesses n. Plural of mindfulness.
MINDFULNESS n. the state of being mindful.
MISUNDERSTANDmisunderstand v. (Transitive) To understand incorrectly, while believing one has understood correctly.
MISUNDERSTAND v. to fail to understand.
MOUNTAINSIDESmountainsides n. Plural of mountainside.
MOUNTAINSIDE n. the side of a mountain.
MUNDANENESSESmundanenesses n. Plural of mundaneness.
MUNDANENESS n. the state of being mundane.
UNASHAMEDNESSunashamedness n. The state or quality of not being ashamed.
UNASHAMEDNESS n. the state of being unashamed.
UNDERCLASSMANunderclassman n. (US) The opposite of an upperclassman; a freshman or sophomore.
UNDERCLASSMAN n. a member of the freshman or sophomore class in a school or college.
UNDERCLASSMENunderclassmen n. Plural of underclassman.
UNDERCLASSMAN n. a member of the freshman or sophomore class in a school or college.
UNIMPASSIONEDunimpassioned adj. Not impassioned; lacking passion; without emotion.
UNIMPASSIONED adj. not impassioned.
UNLIMITEDNESSunlimitedness n. The characteristic of being unlimited; infinity.
UNLIMITEDNESS n. the state of being unlimited.
UNMINDFULNESSunmindfulness n. The quality of being unmindful.
UNMINDFULNESS n. the state of being unmindful.
UNTAMEDNESSESUNTAMEDNESS n. the state of being untamed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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