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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing D, L, O, P, 2R and S

CLAPPERBOARDSclapperboards n. Plural of clapperboard.
clapper␣boards n. Plural of clapper board.
CLAPPERBOARD n. a hinged board (or a set of hinged boards) clapped together in front of the camera before or after shooting a piece of film, to help synchronize sound and vision.
CORPOREALISEDcorporealised v. Simple past tense and past participle of corporealise.
CORPOREALISE v. to make corporeal, also CORPOREALIZE.
HYPERLORDOSESSorry, definition not available.
HYPERLORDOSIShyperlordosis n. (Pathology) Particularly severe lordosis.
OVERLORDSHIPSoverlordships n. Plural of overlordship.
OVERLORDSHIP n. the position of overlord.
PLASTERBOARDSplasterboards n. Plural of plasterboard.
PLASTERBOARD n. a thin rigid board, in the form of a layer of plaster compressed between two layers of fibreboard, used to form or cover walls.
PLEROCERCOIDSplerocercoids n. Plural of plerocercoid.
PLEROCERCOID n. the infective larva of tapeworms.
PRIMORDIALISMprimordialism n. Devotion to, or persistence in, conditions of the primordial state.
PRIMORDIALISM n. belief in first principles or elements.
PROCATHEDRALSprocathedrals n. Plural of procathedral.
pro-cathedrals n. Plural of pro-cathedral.
PROCATHEDRAL n. a parish church serving as a cathedral.
REPOPULARISEDrepopularised v. Simple past tense and past participle of repopularise.
REPOPULARISE v. to popularise again, also REPOPULARIZE.
REPRODUCIBLESreproducibles n. Plural of reproducible.
REPRODUCIBLE n. something that can be reproduced.
REUPHOLSTEREDreupholstered v. Simple past tense and past participle of reupholster.
re-upholstered v. Simple past tense and past participle of re-upholster.
REUPHOLSTER v. to upholster again.
SUPERCOLLIDERsupercollider n. A high-energy particle accelerator.
SUPERCOLLIDER n. a very large collider capable of accelerating particles to very high energies.
TRANSPORTEDLYtransportedly adv. In a state of transport (Of joy, etc.).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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