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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing D, 2I, 2M and 2S

DECOMMISSIONSdecommissions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of decommission.
DECOMMISSION v. to remove (as a ship or nuclear power plant) from service.
DIAMAGNETISMSdiamagnetisms n. Plural of diamagnetism.
DIAMAGNETISM n. the form of magnetism possessed by diamagnetic bodies.
DICHROMATISMSdichromatisms n. Plural of dichromatism.
DICHROMATISM n. partial color blindness in which only two colors are perceptible.
DIMINISHMENTSdiminishments n. Plural of diminishment.
DIMINISHMENT n. the act of diminishing.
DISCOMMISSIONdiscommission v. (Transitive) To deprive of a commission or trust.
DISCOMMISSION v. (Milton) to deprive of a commission.
DISCOMMODIOUSdiscommodious adj. Not commodious; uncomfortable or inconvenient.
DISCOMMODIOUS adj. inconvenient.
DISEMBOSOMINGdisembosoming v. Present participle of disembosom.
DISEMBOSOM v. to separate from the bosom, to unburden.
DISSYMMETRIESdissymmetries n. Plural of dissymmetry.
DISSYMMETRY n. the absence of or the lack of symmetry.
FIDEICOMMISSAfideicommissa n. Plural of fideicommissum.
FIDEICOMMISSUM n. a request by a decedent that the heir or legatee to the estate convey a specified part of the estate to another person, or permit another person to enjoy such a part.
IDIOMORPHISMSIDIOMORPHISM n. the state of being idiomorphic.
IMMEDIATENESSimmediateness n. The state of being immediate; immediacy.
IMMEDIATENESS n. the state of being immediate.
ISODIMORPHISMisodimorphism n. Isomorphism between the two forms severally of two dimorphous substances.
ISODIMORPHISM n. isomorphism between each of the two forms of a dimorphous substance and the corresponding forms of another dimorphous substance.
MEDIAEVALISMSmediaevalisms n. Plural of mediaevalism.
MEDIAEVALISM n. the spirit of the Middle Ages; devotion to medieval ideals, also MEDIEVALISM.
MISEMPHASISEDmisemphasised v. Simple past tense and past participle of misemphasise.
MISEMPHASISE v. to emphasise wrongly, also MISEMPHASIZE.
MISEMPHASIZEDmisemphasized v. Simple past tense and past participle of misemphasize.
MISEMPHASIZE v. to emphasize wrongly, also MISEMPHASISE.
MITHRIDATISMSMITHRIDATISM n. immunity to poison by taking increasingly large doses.
MONORCHIDISMSMONORCHIDISM n. the state of being monorchid, having one testicle, also MONORCHISM.
SEMIDIAMETERSsemidiameters n. Plural of semidiameter.
SEMIDIAMETER n. half the diameter, esp. the angular diameter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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