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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing D, 3I, 2T and V

DERIVATIONISTderivationist n. A proponent of derivationism.
DERIVATIONIST n. one who derives mathematical formulae.
DESCRIPTIVISTdescriptivist adj. Subscribing to, or related to, descriptivism.
descriptivist n. (Linguistics) Someone who records and describes actual rules regarding language usage, or who believes…
DESCRIPTIVIST adj. relating to descriptivism, a theory of ethics by which only empirical statements are acceptable.
DEVIATIONISTSdeviationists n. Plural of deviationist.
DEVIATIONIST n. one who deviates from a strictly orthodox doctrine.
DIRECTIVITIESdirectivities n. Plural of directivity.
DIRECTIVITY n. the property of being directional.
DISTINCTIVELYdistinctively adv. In a distinctive manner; in a way that is notable for its difference.
DISTINCTIVE adv. serving to distinguish.
DISTRIBUTIVESdistributives n. Plural of distributive.
DISTRIBUTIVE n. a distributive word, like each or every, that indicates the several individuals of a number taken separately.
DITRANSITIVESditransitives n. Plural of ditransitive.
DITRANSITIVE n. a verb able to take both a direct and an indirect object.
DIVERTIBILITYDIVERTIBILITY n. the state of being divertible.
INDISTINCTIVEindistinctive adj. That has no distinguishing characteristics.
INDISTINCTIVE adj. lacking distinctive qualities.
INDUCTIVITIESinductivities n. Plural of inductivity.
INDUCTIVITY n. the state of being inductive.
NONADDITIVITYnonadditivity n. Without the state or quality of additivity.
NONADDITIVITY n. the state of being nonadditive.
RADIOACTIVITYradioactivity n. Spontaneous emission of ionizing radiation as a consequence of a nuclear reaction, or directly from…
radioactivity n. The radiation so emitted; including gamma rays, alpha particles, neutrons, electrons, positrons, etc.
RADIOACTIVITY n. the spontaneous decay of the nucleus of an element.
UNDISTINCTIVEundistinctive adj. Not distinctive.
UNDISTINCTIVE adj. not distinctive.
VITILITIGATEDVITILITIGATE v. to be particularly quarrelsome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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