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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing D, 3I, 2O and R

CHOROIDITISESCHOROIDITIS n. inflammation of the choroid.
COMORBIDITIEScomorbidities n. Plural of comorbidity.
co-morbidities n. Plural of co-morbidity; Alternative form of comorbidities.
COMORBIDITY n. the state of being comorbid, of illness, occurring at the same time as other illnesses.
CORRODIBILITYcorrodibility n. The quality of being corrodible.
CORRODIBILITY n. the quality of being corrodible, also CORROSIBILITY.
DICHROISCOPICDICHROISCOPIC adj. relating to a dichroiscope.
GRANODIORITICgranodioritic adj. (Geology) of or related to granodiorite.
GRANODIORITIC adj. relating to granodiorite.
HISTIOPHOROIDHISTIOPHOROID adj. related to a genus of swordfish.
IDIOMORPHISMSIDIOMORPHISM n. the state of being idiomorphic.
INORDINATIONSinordinations n. Plural of inordination.
INORDINATION n. deviation from rule; irregularity.
INTERDOMINIONinterdominion adj. Between dominions of the British Empire.
INTERDOMINION adj. between dominions.
ISODIMORPHISMisodimorphism n. Isomorphism between the two forms severally of two dimorphous substances.
ISODIMORPHISM n. isomorphism between each of the two forms of a dimorphous substance and the corresponding forms of another dimorphous substance.
PERIODISATIONperiodisation n. Alternative form of periodization.
PERIODISATION n. division into periods, also PERIODIZATION.
PERIODIZATIONperiodization n. The process of categorizing something (e.g. history) into named periods.
periodization n. (Weightlifting, sports) Training in segments of a few weeks or months, so that training begins at lower…
PERIODIZATION n. division into periods, also PERIODISATION.
PERIODONTITISperiodontitis n. (Periodontology) A serious form or stage of periodontal disease which may lead to loss of bone and falling…
PERIODONTITIS n. inflammation of the tissues surrounding the teeth.
RADIOBIOLOGICradiobiologic adj. Synonym of radiobiological.
RADIOBIOLOGIC adj. relating to radiobiology, also RADIOBIOLOGICAL.
RADIOISOTOPICradioisotopic adj. Of, pertaining to, or employing radioisotopes.
RADIOISOTOPIC adj. of or like a radioisotope, a radioactive isotope.
REDISPOSITIONredisposition n. Readjustment; the act of redisposing.
REDISPOSITION n. a new disposition.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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