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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing D, 3I, 2L and N

BRILLIANTINEDbrilliantined v. Simple past tense and past participle of brilliantine.
BRILLIANTINED adj. having had brilliantine applied.
CARDINALITIALcardinalitial adj. (Christianity) Of, relating to, or characteristic of a cardinal.
CARDINALITIAL adj. relating to a cardinal or to the office of cardinal, also CARDINALATIAL.
DISCIPLINABLEdisciplinable adj. That can be instructed (by discipline); able to be taught.
disciplinable adj. For which one is liable to be disciplined or punished.
disciplinable adj. (Obsolete) Relating to discipline; disciplinary.
DISILLUMINATEdisilluminate v. (Transitive) To destroy the light of; to darken.
DISILLUMINATE v. to destroy the light of, to darken.
DISILLUSIONEDdisillusioned adj. Disappointed; experiencing disillusionment; having lost one’s illusions.
disillusioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of disillusion.
DISILLUSION v. to free from illusion.
DISOBLIGINGLYdisobligingly adv. So as to disoblige.
DISOBLIGING adv. uncooperative.
DISTILLATIONSdistillations n. Plural of distillation.
DISTILLATION n. the process of purifying a liquid by successive evaporation and condensation.
DIVELLICATINGdivellicating v. Present participle of divellicate.
DIVELLICATE v. to pull in pieces; to pluck apart.
INELUDIBILITYINELUDIBILITY n. the state of being ineludible.
INSOLUBILISEDinsolubilised v. Simple past tense and past participle of insolubilise.
INSOLUBILISE v. to make insoluble, also INSOLUBILIZE.
INSOLUBILIZEDinsolubilized v. Simple past tense and past participle of insolubilize.
insolubilized adj. Made insoluble.
INSOLUBILIZE v. to make insoluble, also INSOLUBILISE.
MULTIBUILDINGmultibuilding adj. Consisting of, or pertaining to, multiple buildings.
MULTIBUILDING adj. involving many buildings.
QUINDECILLIONquindecillion num. (Rare, US, modern Britain and Australia short scale) 1048.
quindecillion num. (Rare, dated, Britain and Australia, long scale) 1090.
QUINDECILLION n. ten to the power of 48, or in Britain ten to the power of 90.
TONSILLITIDEStonsillitides n. Plural of tonsillitis.
TONSILLITIS n. inflammation of the tonsils, also TONSILITIS.
UNCIVILIZEDLYuncivilizedly adv. In an uncivilized manner.
UNCIVILIZED adv. not civilised, also UNCIVILISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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