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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing D, 4I, T and U

DIFFUSIBILITYdiffusibility n. (Physics, of a gas or other fluid) A measure of the speed of diffusion.
diffusibility n. (Figuratively, e.g. of a disease) Capacity for spreading.
DIFFUSIBILITY n. the state of being diffusible.
DIFFUSIVITIESdiffusivities n. Plural of diffusivity.
DIFFUSIVITY n. the state of being diffusive.
DISQUISITIONSdisquisitions n. Plural of disquisition.
DISQUISITION n. a carefully argued examination of a topic.
DISSIMILITUDEdissimilitude n. The quality of being diverse or different; lack of resemblance.
DISSIMILITUDE n. lack of resemblance.
DUTIABILITIESDUTIABILITY n. the state of being dutiable.
ILLIQUIDITIESilliquidities n. Plural of illiquidity.
ILLIQUIDITY n. the state of being illiquid.
INDIVIDUALISTindividualist n. Someone who believes in individualism as a sociopolitical system.
individualist n. Someone who believes in the philosophy of individualism; a solipsist.
individualist n. Someone who does as they wish, unconstrained by external influences.
INDIVIDUALITYindividuality n. (Uncountable) The characteristics that contribute to the differentiation or distinction of someone or…
individuality n. (Countable) A person.
INDIVIDUALITY n. total character peculiar to and distinguishing an individual from others.
INDIVIDUATINGindividuating v. Present participle of individuate.
INDIVIDUATE v. to give individuality to.
INDIVIDUATIONindividuation n. The process of individuating or individualizing.
individuation n. (Philosophy) The distinction of the individual from the general or universal.
individuation n. (Biology) The differentiation of tissues.
INDUCTILITIESINDUCTILITY n. the state of being inductile.
INDUCTIVITIESinductivities n. Plural of inductivity.
INDUCTIVITY n. the state of being inductive.
INELUDIBILITYINELUDIBILITY n. the state of being ineludible.
PLATINIRIDIUMplatiniridium n. (Chemistry, mineralogy) A natural alloy of platinum and iridium occurring in grayish metallic rounded…
PLATINIRIDIUM n. an alloy of platinum and iridium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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