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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing D, H, N, O, P, R and T

BOUSTROPHEDONboustrophedon adv. (Historical, calligraphy, of writing) In a fashion such that the reading direction changes from right-to-left…
boustrophedon adj. (Historical, calligraphy, of writing) Written from right-to-left and left-to-right on alternate lines.
boustrophedon adj. (Figuratively) Changing direction, going back and forth.
CONDUCTORSHIPconductorship n. The position of conductor of an orchestra.
CONDUCTORSHIP n. the office of conductor.
DIAPHANOMETERdiaphanometer n. An instrument for measuring the transparency of a fluid.
DIAPHANOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the transparency of air.
DINITROPHENOLdinitrophenol n. (Organic chemistry) Any of six isomeric aromatic compounds C6H3OH(NO2)2 formed by the nitration of phenol;…
DINITROPHENOL n. any of six isomeric crystalline compounds some of whose derivatives are pesticides.
DRYOPITHECINEdryopithecine adj. (Zoology) Of, or relating to, the primate genus Dryopithecus, considered to be relatives of both humans and apes.
dryopithecine n. (Zoology) Any member of this genus of primates.
DRYOPITHECINE n. a gorilla, chimpanzee or man.
GONADOTROPHICgonadotrophic adj. Of, pertaining to, or stimulating the functions of the gonads.
GONADOTROPHIC adj. stimulating the gonads, also GONADOTROPIC.
GONADOTROPHINgonadotrophin n. Any of a group of protein hormones secreted by gonadotrope cells of the pituitary gland of vertebrates.
GONADOTROPHIN n. a substance that stimulates the gonads.
HYDNOCARPATESHYDNOCARPATE n. any salt or ester of hydnocarpic acid.
ODONTOPHORANSODONTOPHORAN n. an odontophore, the rasping apparatus in molluscs.
ODONTOPHOROUSodontophorous adj. (Zoology) Having an odontophore.
ODONTOPHOROUS adj. of or like an odontophore, the rasping apparatus in molluscs.
OPENHEARTEDLYopenheartedly adv. Alternative form of open-heartedly.
open-heartedly adv. Frankly, honestly and sincerely.
open-heartedly adv. Kindly and generously.
ORTHOPINAKOIDORTHOPINAKOID n. in monoclinic crystals, a form consisting of two faces parallel to the orthodiagonal and the vertical axis.
PHOTOENGRAVEDphotoengraved v. Simple past tense and past participle of photoengrave.
PHOTOENGRAVE v. to make a photoengraving of.
PHOTOREDUCINGphotoreducing v. Present participle of photoreduce.
PHOTOREDUCE v. to photocopy with reduction of the image.
PROSTHODONTIAPROSTHODONTIA n. the provision of false teeth, also PROSTHODONTICS.
PYRITOHEDRONSpyritohedrons n. Plural of pyritohedron.
PYRITOHEDRON n. a pentagonal dodecahedron.
RADIOPHONISTSRADIOPHONIST n. one who uses a radiophone.
SPINSTERHOODSspinsterhoods n. Plural of spinsterhood.
SPINSTERHOOD n. the state of being a spinster, also SPINSTERDOM, SPINSTERSHIP.
TRAPEZOHEDRONtrapezohedron n. (Geometry, crystallography) Any of a class of polyhedra that have kite-shaped faces and are dual polyhedra…
trapezohedron n. (Crystallography) A deltoidal icositetrahedron.
TRAPEZOHEDRON n. a crystalline form whose faces are trapeziums.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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