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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing D, H, 2I, L, O and T

CLAVICHORDISTclavichordist n. Someone who plays the clavichord.
CLAVICHORDIST n. one who plays the clavichord.
DIACATHOLICONdiacatholicon n. (Medicine, dated) A universal remedy; a certain purgative electuary.
DIACATHOLICON n. (obsolete) a purgative electuary, the drug being mixed with honey or syrup.
DICHLORACETICDICHLORACETIC adj. as in dichloracetic acid.
DINITROPHENOLdinitrophenol n. (Organic chemistry) Any of six isomeric aromatic compounds C6H3OH(NO2)2 formed by the nitration of phenol;…
DINITROPHENOL n. any of six isomeric crystalline compounds some of whose derivatives are pesticides.
DIOTHELETICALDIOTHELETICAL adj. relating to ditheletism, the doctrine that Christ had two wills, also DITHELETIC, DITHELETICAL.
DYOTHELITICALDYOTHELITICAL adj. relating to dyotheletism, the doctrine that Christ on earth had two wills, human and divine, also DYOTHELETICAL.
FLOODLIGHTINGfloodlighting v. Present participle of floodlight.
FLOODLIGHTING n. illumination by floodlights.
GLADIATORSHIPgladiatorship n. The conduct, state, or art of a gladiator.
GLADIATORSHIP n. the state of being a gladiator.
GOLDSMITHRIESGOLDSMITHRY n. the craft of a goldsmith, also GOLDSMITHERY.
HAEMODILUTIONhaemodilution n. Alternative form of hemodilution.
HAEMODILUTION n. an increase in the fluid content of blood leading to a lower concentration of red blood cells, also HEMODILUTION.
HEMODILUTIONShemodilutions n. Plural of hemodilution.
HEMODILUTION n. decreased concentration of cells and solids in the blood resulting from gain of fluid, also HAEMODILUTION.
HYDROPHILITEShydrophilites n. Plural of hydrophilite.
HYDROPHILITE n. native calcium chloride.
LITHOTRITISEDlithotritised v. Simple past tense and past participle of lithotritise.
LITHOTRITISE v. to perform a lithotrity, also LITHOTRITIZE.
LITHOTRITIZEDlithotritized v. Simple past tense and past participle of lithotritize.
LITHOTRITIZE v. to perform a lithotrity, also LITHOTRITISE.
MITOCHONDRIALmitochondrial adj. (Cytology) Of, or relating to mitochondria.
MITOCHONDRIAL adj. of or like a mitochondrion.
ORCHIDOLOGISTorchidologist n. One who studies orchids.
ORCHIDOLOGIST n. one who studies orchids.
QUADRILLIONTHquadrillionth adj. The ordinal form of the number one quadrillion.
quadrillionth n. The person or thing in the quadrillionth position.
quadrillionth n. One of a quadrillion equal parts of a whole.
THIODIGLYCOLSthiodiglycols n. Plural of thiodiglycol.
THIODIGLYCOL n. a chemical compound soluble in e.g. water and alcohol used e.g. as an industrial cleaning agent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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