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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing D, G, N, 2O and 2R

COLORBREEDINGcolorbreeding v. Present participle of colorbreed.
COLORBREED v. to breed plants or animals selectively for the production of new varieties having a specific color or shade, also COLOURBREED.
CORRESPONDINGcorresponding v. Present participle of correspond.
corresponding n. A correspondence; the situation where things correspond or match.
corresponding adj. That have a similar relationship.
COSTARDMONGERcostardmonger n. Archaic form of costermonger.
COSTARDMONGER n. a hawker of fruits, vegetables, fish, etc., also COSTERMONGER.
CROWDSOURCINGcrowdsourcing n. The delegation of a task to a large diffuse group in order to introduce new or more developed skill…
crowdsourcing v. Present participle of crowdsource.
CROWDSOURCING n. the act of outsourcing work to an unspecified group of people, typically by making an appeal to the general public on the internet.
FOREGROUNDINGforegrounding v. Present participle of foreground.
FOREGROUND v. to bring to the foreground, the part of a picture or field of view nearest the observer's eye.
FOREORDAININGforeordaining v. Present participle of foreordain.
FOREORDAIN v. to ordain or appoint beforehand.
GRANODIORITESgranodiorites n. Plural of granodiorite.
GRANODIORITE n. an igneous plutonic rock, less felsic than granite.
GRANODIORITICgranodioritic adj. (Geology) of or related to granodiorite.
GRANODIORITIC adj. relating to granodiorite.
GYNANDROMORPHgynandromorph n. An insect, crustacean or bird literally having physical characteristics of both sexes, usually displaying…
gynandromorph n. A person having certain physical characteristics of both sexes.
GYNANDROMORPH n. an animal having both male and female characteristics.
HYDROFORMINGSHYDROFORMING n. the catalytic reforming of petroleum to increase the proportion of aromatic and branched-chain hydrocarbons.
HYDROGENATORShydrogenators n. Plural of hydrogenator.
HYDROGENATOR n. an agent that hydrogenates.
ORTHOHYDROGENorthohydrogen n. (Physics) form of the hydrogen molecule (H2) in which the two nuclei have parallel spin; about 75% of…
ORTHOHYDROGEN n. the form of molecular hydrogen, constituting about 75 per cent of the total at normal temperatures, in which the nuclei of the atoms spin in the same direction.
OVERCROWDINGSovercrowdings n. Plural of overcrowding.
OVERCROWDING n. the act of crowding to excess.
OVERORGANIZEDoverorganized v. Simple past tense and past participle of overorganize.
OVERORGANIZE v. to organize to excess, also OVERORGANISE.
OVERPRODUCINGoverproducing v. Present participle of overproduce.
OVERPRODUCE v. to produce to excess.
PROGRADATIONSprogradations n. Plural of progradation.
PROGRADATION n. the act of prograding, advancing seaward.
PROOFREADINGSproofreadings n. Plural of proofreading.
PROOFREADING n. the process of reading to check for mistakes.
STORYBOARDINGstoryboarding v. Present participle of storyboard.
STORYBOARD v. to put on a storyboard.
WONDERMONGERSWONDERMONGER n. one who promises miracles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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