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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing D, G, L, 2N and 2S

DARLINGNESSESdarlingnesses n. Plural of darlingness.
DARLINGNESS n. the state of being a darling.
DISANNULLINGSDISANNULLING n. the act of disannulling.
DISENROLLINGSDISENROLLING n. the act of removing from an enrolment list.
DISPLENISHINGdisplenishing v. Present participle of displenish.
DISPLENISH v. to deprive or strip, as a house of furniture, or a barn of stock.
GANGSTERLANDSgangsterlands n. Plural of gangsterland.
GANGSTERLAND n. the world of gangsters.
LANGUIDNESSESLANGUIDNESS n. the state of being languid.
NEGLECTEDNESSneglectedness n. The quality of being neglected.
NEGLECTEDNESS n. the state of being neglected.
NIGGARDLINESSniggardliness n. The state of being niggardly; parsimony.
NIGGARDLINESS n. the state of being niggardly.
NOSEBLEEDINGSNOSEBLEEDING n. bleeding from the nose, also NOSEBLEED.
SANDBLASTINGSsandblastings n. Plural of sandblasting.
SANDBLASTING n. the act of cleaning with a sand-laden blast of air.
SINDONOLOGIESSINDONOLOGY n. the study of the shroud of Turin.
SINDONOLOGISTsindonologist n. One who studies the Shroud of Turin from a believing perspective.
SINDONOLOGIST n. an expert on the Turin shroud.
UNDERSEALINGSUNDERSEALING n. coating parts of the underbody of a vehicle with a protective coating.
UNGODLINESSESungodlinesses n. Plural of ungodliness.
UNGODLINESS n. the state of being ungodly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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