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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing D, F, 2I, 2N and R

DEFIBRINATINGdefibrinating v. Present participle of defibrinate.
DEFIBRINATE v. to remove fibrin from blood.
DEFIBRINATIONdefibrination n. The act or process of depriving of fibrin.
DEFIBRINATION n. the act of defibrinating.
DEFIBRINIZINGdefibrinizing v. Present participle of defibrinize.
DEFIBRINIZE v. to deprive of fibrin, also DEFIBRINISE.
DIFFERENCYINGDIFFERENCY v. to make or perceive a difference in, also DIFFERENCE.
DISCONFIRMINGdisconfirming v. Present participle of disconfirm.
DISCONFIRM v. to deny the validity of.
DISFURNISHINGdisfurnishing v. Present participle of disfurnish.
DISFURNISH v. to strip, render destitute.
FINGERPRINTEDfingerprinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of fingerprint.
FINGERPRINT v. to take fingerprints.
FOREORDAININGforeordaining v. Present participle of foreordain.
FOREORDAIN v. to ordain or appoint beforehand.
INDIFFERENCESindifferences n. Plural of indifference.
INDIFFERENCE n. the state of being indifferent, also INDIFFERENCY.
INDIFFERENTLYindifferently adv. In an indifferent manner.
INDIFFERENT adv. marked by impartiality.
NONESTERIFIEDnonesterified adj. (Chemistry) Alternative spelling of non-esterified.
non-esterified adj. (Chemistry, of a fatty acid) Occurring free, rather than esterified with glycerol to form a glyceride or other lipid.
NONESTERIFIED adj. not esterified.
PREDEFINITIONpredefinition n. The act or process of defining something in advance.
predefinition n. A definition provided in advance.
PREDEFINITION n. the act of predefining.
RANGEFINDINGSRANGEFINDING n. the act of using a rangefinder.
REDEFINITIONSredefinitions n. Plural of redefinition.
REDEFINITION n. the act of redefining.
REIDENTIFYINGreidentifying v. Present participle of reidentify.
REIDENTIFY v. to identify again.
UNDERFINISHEDunderfinished adj. Of animals reared for meat: having less fat than is desirable.
UNDERFINISHED adj. of cattle and sheep, having too little finish.
UNFRIENDLIESTunfriendliest adj. Superlative form of unfriendly: most unfriendly.
UNFRIENDLY adj. not friendly.
UNFRIENDSHIPSUNFRIENDSHIP n. (archaic) unfriendliness.
WINTERFEEDINGwinterfeeding v. Present participle of winterfeed.
WINTERFEED v. to feed livestock in winter when the grazing is not rich enough.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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