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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing D, E, L, 2O and 2T

BLOODLETTINGSbloodlettings n. Plural of bloodletting.
BLOODLETTING n. the act of letting blood.
DELTIOLOGISTSdeltiologists n. Plural of deltiologist.
DELTIOLOGIST n. a collector of picture postcards.
DEMOLITIONISTdemolitionist n. One who carries out demolition.
DEMOLITIONIST n. one engaged in the business of demolition.
DEONTOLOGISTSdeontologists n. Plural of deontologist.
DEONTOLOGIST n. a student of deontology.
DERMATOLOGISTdermatologist n. A person who is skilled in, professes or practices dermatology.
DERMATOLOGIST n. one who studies dermatology.
DEVOLUTIONISTdevolutionist n. A proponent of devolution.
devolutionist adj. Supporting or relating to a policy of devolution.
DEVOLUTIONIST n. a believer in a policy of devolution.
DEVOTIONALISTdevotionalist n. One given to devotion, especially to excessive formal devotion.
DEVOTIONALIST n. one who practises devotion.
DEVOTIONALITYdevotionality n. The practice of a devotionalist.
DEVOTIONALITY n. the state of being devotional.
DIABETOLOGISTdiabetologist n. A physician whose speciality is diabetology.
DIABETOLOGIST n. a doctor specializing in the study and treatment of diabetes and the care of diabetics.
METHODOLOGISTmethodologist n. A person who studies methodology, or applies its principles.
METHODOLOGIST n. a student of methodology.
OUTPOLITICKEDoutpoliticked v. Simple past tense and past participle of outpolitick.
OUTPOLITICK v. to surpass in politicking.
PROGLOTTIDEANPROGLOTTIDEAN adj. of or like a proglottis, a segment of a tapeworm.
PTERIDOLOGISTpteridologist n. A person who studies ferns and other pteridophytes.
PTERIDOLOGIST n. one who studies pteridology.
STROPHIOLATEDstrophiolated adj. Synonym of strophiolate.
STROPHIOLATED adj. having strophioles, caruncles, also STROPHIOLATE.
THROTTLEHOLDSthrottleholds n. Plural of throttlehold.
THROTTLEHOLD n. a vicious, strangling, or stultifying control.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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