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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing D, E, 2L, O, P and T

BULLETPROOFEDbulletproofed v. Simple past tense and past participle of bulletproof.
BULLETPROOF v. to make impenetrable to bullets.
COMPLICATEDLYcomplicatedly adv. In a complicated manner.
DEPLORABILITYdeplorability n. The quality of being deplorable.
DEPLORABILITY n. the quality of being deplorable.
DEVELOPMENTALdevelopmental adj. Related to development.
developmental n. A trainee flight controller.
DEVELOPMENTAL adj. relating to development.
DIALYPETALOUSdialypetalous adj. (Botany) Having separate petals; polypetalous.
DIALYPETALOUS adj. having the petals separate.
DIPROPELLANTSDIPROPELLANT n. a rocket propellant consisting of two substances, usually a fuel and an oxidizer.
ELECTROPLATEDelectroplated v. Simple past tense and past participle of electroplate.
electroplated adj. Having a thin electrochemical layer of metal deposited on its surface.
ELECTROPLATE v. to plate with an adherent continuous coating by electrodeposition.
LEUCODEPLETEDleucodepleted adj. Alternative form of leukodepleted.
LEUCODEPLETED adj. of blood, deficient in leucocytes, white blood corpuscles, also LEUKODEPLETED.
LEUCOPLASTIDSleucoplastids n. Plural of leucoplastid.
LEUCOPLASTID n. a starch-forming body in protoplasm.
LEUKODEPLETEDleukodepleted adj. Depleted of leukocytes.
LEUKODEPLETED adj. of or denoting blood from which the white cells have been removed, also LEUCODEPLETED.
MALDEPLOYMENTmaldeployment n. Incorrect deployment.
MALDEPLOYMENT n. a wrong deployment.
NONDEPLETABLEnondepletable adj. Not depletable.
NONDEPLETABLE adj. not depletable.
PALLIDOTOMIESpallidotomies n. Plural of pallidotomy.
PERIODONTALLYperiodontally adv. In a periodontal way.
PERIODONTAL adv. investing or surrounding a tooth.
POLITICALISEDpoliticalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of politicalise.
POLITICALISE v. to make political, also POLITICALIZE.
POLITICALIZEDpoliticalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of politicalize.
POLITICALIZE v. to make political, also POLITICALISE.
POLYCOTYLEDONpolycotyledon n. (Botany) A plant that has many, or more than two, cotyledons in the seed.
POLYCOTYLEDON n. any of various plants, esp. gymnosperms, that have or appear to have more than two cotyledons.
POLYDACTYLIESpolydactylies n. Plural of polydactyly.
POLYDACTYLY n. the state of being polydactyl, having too many fingers or toes.
SPLAYFOOTEDLYSPLAYFOOTED adv. having splayed feet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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