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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing D, E, I, 3O and P

CONIDIOPHORESconidiophores n. Plural of conidiophore.
CONIDIOPHORE n. a hypha that produces conidia.
CONIDIOSPORESconidiospores n. Plural of conidiospore.
CONIDIOSPORE n. a conidium.
DECOMPOSITIONdecomposition n. A biological process through which organic material is reduced to e.g. compost.
decomposition n. The act of taking something apart, e.g. for analysis.
decomposition n. The splitting (of e.g. a matrix, an atom, or a compound) into constituent parts.
DICHROOSCOPESDICHROOSCOPE n. an instrument for examining crystals for dichroism, also DICHROISCOPE, DICHROSCOPE.
ENDOPOLYPLOIDendopolyploid adj. Exhibiting or relating to endopolyploidy.
endopolyploid n. Any organism that exhibits endopolyploidy.
ENDOPOLYPLOID adj. relating to endopolyploidy.
LEONTOPODIUMSLEONTOPODIUM n. any plant of the Eurasian alpine genus Leontopodium, that includes edelweiss.
NONDEPOSITIONnondeposition n. A failure to deposit or throw down.
NONDEPOSITION n. something that is not a deposition.
ORTHOPTEROIDSorthopteroids n. Plural of orthopteroid.
ORTHOPTEROID n. a member of the Orthoptera, cockroaches.
PHOTOOXIDISEDPHOTOOXIDISE v. to undergo photooxidation, also PHOTOOXIDIZE.
PHOTOOXIDISESPHOTOOXIDISE v. to undergo photooxidation, also PHOTOOXIDIZE.
PHOTOOXIDIZEDphotooxidized v. Simple past tense and past participle of photooxidize.
PHOTOOXIDIZE v. to undergo photooxidation, also PHOTOOXIDISE.
PHOTOOXIDIZESphotooxidizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of photooxidize.
PHOTOOXIDIZE v. to undergo photooxidation, also PHOTOOXIDISE.
PHOTOPERIODICphotoperiodic adj. Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting photoperiodism.
PHOTOPERIODIC adj. relating to a photoperiod.
PROPOSITIONEDpropositioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of proposition.
PROPOSITION v. to make a proposal to.
RADIOISOTOPESradioisotopes n. Plural of radioisotope.
RADIOISOTOPE n. a radioactive isotope.
SIGMOIDOSCOPEsigmoidoscope n. (Medicine) An instrument used for examining the sigmoid colon.
SIGMOIDOSCOPE n. an instrument for examining the interior of the rectum and sigmoid colon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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