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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing D, 2E, 2I, P and U

DEPAUPERISINGdepauperising v. Present participle of depauperise.
DEPAUPERISE v. to free from pauperdom, also DEPAUPERIZE.
DEPAUPERIZINGdepauperizing v. Present participle of depauperize.
DEPAUPERIZE v. to free from pauperdom, also DEPAUPERISE.
DISPAUPERISEDdispauperised v. Simple past tense and past participle of dispauperise.
DISPAUPERISE v. to free from pauperdom, also DISPAUPERIZE.
DISPAUPERISESdispauperises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dispauperise.
DISPAUPERISE v. to free from pauperdom, also DISPAUPERIZE.
DISPAUPERIZEDdispauperized v. Simple past tense and past participle of dispauperize.
DISPAUPERIZE v. to free from pauperdom, also DISPAUPERISE.
DISPAUPERIZESdispauperizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dispauperize.
DISPAUPERIZE v. to free from pauperdom, also DISPAUPERISE.
EXPEDITIOUSLYexpeditiously adv. In an expeditious manner.
EXPEDITIOUS adv. characterized by or acting promptly and efficiently.
INDENTURESHIPindentureship n. The condition of being indentured.
indentureship n. The period during which a person is indentured.
INDENTURESHIP n. the state of being indentured.
PELLUCIDITIESpellucidities n. Plural of pellucidity.
PELLUCIDITY n. the state of being pellucid.
PENDULOSITIESpendulosities n. Plural of pendulosity.
PENDULOSITY n. the state of being pendulous.
PNEUMONITIDESpneumonitides n. Plural of pneumonitis.
PNEUMONITIS n. inflammation of the lungs.
PREJUDICATIVEprejudicative adj. Forming a judgment without due examination; prejudging.
PREJUDICATIVE adj. prejudging.
PSEUDIMAGINESPSEUDIMAGO n. a stage in the development of certain insects, such as the May flies, intermediate between the pupa and imago.
REDUPLICATIVEreduplicative adj. Formed by redoubling; reduplicate, double.
reduplicative n. (Grammar) A word obtained by the process of reduplication.
REDUPLICATIVE adj. relating to reduplication.
SERENDIPITOUSserendipitous adj. By serendipity; by unexpected good fortune.
serendipitous adj. Good, beneficial, favorable.
SERENDIPITOUS adj. obtained or characterized by serendipity.
UNEXEMPLIFIEDunexemplified adj. Not exemplified; of which no example has been seen.
UNEXEMPLIFIED adj. not exemplified.
UNSPECIALISEDunspecialised adj. Alternative spelling of unspecialized.
UNSPECIALISED adj. not specialised, also UNSPECIALIZED.
UNSPECIALIZEDunspecialized adj. Having no speciality, or particular purpose.
unspecialized v. Simple past tense and past participle of unspecialize.
UNSPECIALIZED adj. not specialized, also UNSPECIALISED.
UREDINIOSPOREurediniospore n. (Botany) A spore produced by a uredinium.
UREDINIOSPORE n. the thin-walled summer spore which is produced during the so-called Uredo stage of certain rusts, also UREDIOSPORE, UREDOSPORE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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