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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing D, 3E, N and 2O

CORDOCENTESEScordocenteses n. Plural of cordocentesis.
CORDOCENTESIS n. the removal of a sample of fetal blood from the umbilical vein by inserting a hollow needle through the wall of the pregnant woman's abdomen.
CROOKEDNESSEScrookednesses n. Plural of crookedness.
CROOKEDNESS n. the state of being crooked.
DETECTOPHONESDETECTOPHONE n. a secret telephone for eavesdropping.
ELECTROSONDESELECTROSONDE n. a sonde for measuring atmospheric electricity.
ENDEMIOLOGIESENDEMIOLOGY n. the study of local diseases.
ENDOMETRIOSESendometrioses n. Plural of endometriosis.
ENDOMETRIOSIS n. the presence and growth of functioning endometrial tissue in places other than the uterus, that often results in severe pain and infertility.
ENDOPEROXIDESendoperoxides n. Plural of endoperoxide.
ENDOPEROXIDE n. any of various biosynthetic intermediates in the formation of prostaglandins.
ENDOSKELETONSendoskeletons n. Plural of endoskeleton.
ENDOSKELETON n. an internal skeleton or supporting framework in an animal.
ENDOSMOMETERSendosmometers n. Plural of endosmometer.
ENDOSMOMETER n. an instrument for measuring osmosis into a solution.
FOREBODEMENTSforebodements n. Plural of forebodement.
FOREBODEMENT n. a feeling of coming evil.
FOREKNOWLEDGEforeknowledge n. Knowing beforehand; foresight, precognition, prescience.
FOREKNOWLEDGE n. knowledge in advance of the event.
FOREMENTIONEDforementioned adj. Alternative form of aforementioned.
FOREMENTIONED adj. mentioned before in writing or speech, also AFOREMENTIONED.
FORESHORTENEDforeshortened v. Simple past tense and past participle of foreshorten.
FORESHORTEN v. to shorten by proportionately contracting in the direction of depth so that an illusion of projection or extension in space is obtained.
OVERCONCERNEDoverconcerned adj. Excessively concerned.
overconcerned v. Simple past tense and past participle of overconcern.
OVERCONCERN v. to concern excessively.
OVERENAMOUREDoverenamoured adj. Alternative form of overenamored.
OVERENAMOURED adj. excessively enamoured, also OVERENAMORED.
OVERRESPONDEDoverresponded v. Simple past tense and past participle of overrespond.
OVERRESPOND v. to respond excessively.
RECONNOITEREDreconnoitered v. Simple past tense and past participle of reconnoiter.
reconnoitered adj. Of a region or situation that has been surveyed (especially in a military situation).
RECONNOITER v. (US) to make a reconnaissance of, also RECONNOITRE.
SEROCONVERTEDseroconverted adj. Subject to seroconversion.
SEROCONVERT v. to produce specific antibodies in response to the presence of an antigen, such as a virus or vaccine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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