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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing D, L, M, O, R and 2S

BLOODSTREAMSbloodstreams n. Plural of bloodstream.
BLOODSTREAM n. the flowing blood in a circulatory system.
CHRYSOMELIDSchrysomelids n. Plural of chrysomelid.
CHRYSOMELID n. a member of the leaf-beetle family.
CLOSTRIDIUMSCLOSTRIDIUM n. any of a genus of spore-forming mostly anaerobic soil or intestinal bacteria.
COMPRESSEDLYcompressedly adv. In a compressed manner.
COMPRESSED adv. COMPRESS, to compact.
DEGLAMORISESdeglamorises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deglamorise.
DEGLAMORISE v. to remove the glamour from, also DEGLAMORIZE.
DEMORALISERSdemoralisers n. Plural of demoraliser.
DEMORALISER n. something or someone that demoralises, also DEMORALIZER.
DISSIMULATORdissimulator n. One who dissimulates.
DISSIMULATOR n. one who dissimulates.
HOLOHEDRISMSHOLOHEDRISM n. the property of having the full number of symmetrically arranged planes crystallographically possible.
LANDLORDISMSlandlordisms n. Plural of landlordism.
LANDLORDISM n. an economic system or practice by which ownership of land is vested in one who leases it to cultivators.
SCLERODERMASsclerodermas n. Plural of scleroderma.
SCLERODERMA n. a disease marked by hardening of skin.
SMALLHOLDERSsmallholders n. Plural of smallholder.
SMALLHOLDER n. one who keeps a smallholding.
SMOULDERINGSsmoulderings n. Plural of smouldering.
SMOULDERING n. a slow burning.
SOMERSAULTEDsomersaulted v. Simple past tense and past participle of somersault.
SOMERSAULT v. to perform a somersault, also SOMERSET, SUMMERSAULT, SUMMERSET.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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