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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing D, I, L, N, R, T and V

CANTILEVEREDcantilevered v. Simple past tense and past participle of cantilever.
cantilevered adj. Fitted with, or constituting, a cantilever; projecting out laterally from a wall or similar support…
CANTILEVER v. to project or support like a cantilever.
DERIVATIONALderivational adj. (Grammar) Of or pertaining to derivation; relating to that which is derived.
DERIVATIONAL adj. relating to derivation.
DIVINATORIALdivinatorial adj. Relating to divination.
DIVINATORIAL adj. relating to divination, conjectural.
DORSIVENTRALdorsiventral adj. Alternative form of dorsoventral.
DORSIVENTRAL adj. having differentiated opposite faces or surfaces.
INDIVERTIBLEindivertible adj. Not to be diverted or turned aside.
INDIVERTIBLE adj. that cannot be diverted.
INDIVERTIBLYINDIVERTIBLE adv. that cannot be diverted.
INVALIDATORSinvalidators n. Plural of invalidator.
INVALIDATOR n. one who invalidates.
LANDGRAVIATElandgraviate n. The office or jurisdiction of a landgrave.
landgraviate n. The countship of a landgrave, a rare type of principality in the Holy Roman Empire.
LANDGRAVIATE n. the jurisdiction or position of a landgrave, also LANDGRAVATE.
OVERINFLATEDoverinflated v. Simple past tense and past participle of overinflate.
overinflated adj. Inflated; exaggerated.
OVERINFLATE v. to inflate excessively.
PROVIDENTIALprovidential adj. Pertaining to divine providence.
providential adj. Fortunate, as if occurring through the intervention of Providence.
PROVIDENTIAL adj. of, relating to, or determined by Providence.
QUADRIVALENTquadrivalent adj. (Chemistry) Having a valence of four.
quadrivalent adj. (Of a vaccine) Protecting against four different (usually flu) viruses.
quadrivalent adj. (Graph theory) Said of a graph: that all of its vertices have degree four.
REVALIDATINGrevalidating v. Present participle of revalidate.
REVALIDATE v. to validate again.
REVALIDATIONrevalidation n. The act of revalidating.
REVALIDATION n. the action or an instance of revalidating.
VALETUDINARYvaletudinary adj. (Obsolete) Sickly, infirm, valetudinarian.
valetudinary n. (Dated) A sickly, infirm person.
VALETUDINARY n. a valetudinarian.
VENTROMEDIALventromedial adj. (Anatomy) Both ventral and medial.
VENTROMEDIAL adj. ventral and medial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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