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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing D, I, L, M, 2O and R

ADMONITORILYadmonitorily adv. In an admonitory manner.
ADMONITORY adv. warning, also ADMONITIVE.
CLADOSPORIUMCladosporium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Davidiellaceae – fungi including some of the most common indoor…
CLADOSPORIUM n. a type of fungus.
DERMATOLOGICdermatologic adj. Dermatological.
DERMATOLOGIC adj. relating to dermatology, also DERMATOLOGICAL.
DISCOLORMENTdiscolorment n. A loss of color.
DISCOLORMENT n. the act of discoloring.
HEMORRHOIDALhemorrhoidal adj. Of or relating to hemorrhoids.
HEMORRHOIDAL adj. of or like a haemorrhoid.
HEMORRHOIDAL n. a hemorrhoidal part (as an artery or vein).
HOLOHEDRISMSHOLOHEDRISM n. the property of having the full number of symmetrically arranged planes crystallographically possible.
LOXODROMICALloxodromical adj. Synonym of loxodromic.
LOXODROMICAL adj. pertaining to sailing on rhumb lines, also LOXODROMIC.
MONOCHLORIDEmonochloride n. (Chemistry) Any chloride containing a single chlorine atom in each molecule.
MONOCHLORIDE n. a chloride containing one atom of chlorine per molecule.
MOONCHILDRENmoonchildren n. Plural of moonchild.
MOONCHILD n. someone who is born under the Cancer star sign.
MORDACIOUSLYmordaciously adv. In a mordacious manner.
MORDACIOUS adv. given to biting; biting in quality.
MULTICOLOREDmulticolored adj. (American spelling) Having multiple colors.
multi-colored adj. Alternative form of multicolored.
MULTICOLORED adj. having many colors, also MULTICOLOURED.
PYRAMIDOLOGYpyramidology n. The study of pyramids (especially the Egyptian pyramids) from a supernatural or new-age perspective…
PYRAMIDOLOGY n. the study of the Egyptian pyramids.
TIMBERDOODLEtimberdoodle n. The American woodcock (Scolopax minor).
TIMBERDOODLE n. the North American woodcock.
TROGLODYTISMtroglodytism n. The practice of living in caves or cavelike environments.
troglodytism n. (Derogatory) The state or quality of being considered coarse, ignorant, uncultured, or unprogressive.
TROGLODYTISM n. the practice of living in caves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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