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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing D, I, 2L, O, R and Y

CRYSTALLOIDScrystalloids n. Plural of crystalloid.
CRYSTALLOID n. a water-soluble crystal able to diffuse through semipermeable membranes.
DIOPTRICALLYdioptrically adv. In a dioptric manner.
DIOPTRICAL adv. transparent, also DIOPTRIC.
DISTILLATORYdistillatory adj. Belonging to, or used in, distilling.
distillatory n. A distillatory apparatus; a still.
DISTILLATORY adj. relating to distillation.
DRACONICALLYdraconically adv. In a draconic manner.
DRACONIC adv. unusually harsh, also DRACONIAN, DRACONTIC.
HYDROCOLLOIDhydrocolloid n. Any material that forms a colloid (especially a gel) when mixed with water.
hydrocolloid n. Such a material, made from agar, used to make dental impressions.
HYDROCOLLOID n. a substance that yields a gel with water.
HYDROLOGICALhydrological adj. Of or pertaining to hydrology.
HYDROLOGICAL adj. relating to hydrology, also HYDROLOGIC.
HYDRONICALLYhydronically adv. In terms of, or by means of, hydronics.
HYDRONIC adv. pertaining to heating and cooling by water.
IDOLATROUSLYidolatrously adv. In an idolatrous manner.
IDOLATROUS adv. of or pertaining to idolatry.
MERIDIONALLYmeridionally adv. In a meridional manner.
meridionally adv. With regard to, or in the direction of a meridian.
MERIDIONAL adv. of or pertaining to the meridian, a line of longitude.
PERIODICALLYperiodically adv. In a manner that is regular or periodic.
periodically adv. Intermittently or recurrently.
PERIODICAL adv. periodic.
POLICYHOLDERpolicyholder n. (Insurance) A person who holds an insurance policy, especially the person whose life is insured.
policy␣holder n. Alternative spelling of policyholder.
POLICYHOLDER n. the owner of an insurance policy.
PRIMORDIALLYprimordially adv. In a primordial manner.
primordially adv. With regard to a primordium.
PRIMORDIAL adv. original, rudimentary.
PROSODICALLYprosodically adv. In a prosodic manner.
PROSODICAL adv. of or pertaining to prosody, also PROSODIC.
RIDICULOUSLYridiculously adv. In a ridiculous manner. In a way that is funny, embarrassing or extremely implausible.
ridiculously adv. (Degree) extremely; very.
RIDICULOUS adv. arousing or deserving ridicule.
SARDONICALLYsardonically adv. In a sardonic manner.
SARDONICAL adv. bitterly or evilly humorous; grimly mocking, also SARDONIAN, SARDONIC.
SPHEROIDALLYspheroidally adv. In a spheroidal manner.
SPHEROIDAL adv. having the form of a spheroid.
SPORADICALLYsporadically adv. At an occasional, infrequent, or irregular frequency.
SPORADICAL adv. occurring at irregular intervals, also SPORADIC.
STRIDULOUSLYstridulously adv. In a stridulous manner.
STRIDULOUS adv. squeaky.
TROCHOIDALLYTROCHOIDAL adv. of or pertaining to a trochoid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 87 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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