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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing D, 2I, 2O, S and U

ACIDOPHILOUSacidophilous adj. That thrives in an acidic environment.
ACIDOPHILOUS adj. staining readily with acid stains.
AUDIOLOGISTSaudiologists n. Plural of audiologist.
AUDIOLOGIST n. one who studies hearing.
CONDOMINIUMScondominiums n. Plural of condominium.
CONDOMINIUM n. (US) a block of apartments in which each apartment is separately owned.
DIOICOUSNESSDIOICOUSNESS n. the state of being dioicous.
DISCOLOURINGdiscolouring v. Present participle of discolour.
discolouring n. Discoloration.
DISCOLOUR v. to alter the natural hue or color of, also DISCOLOR.
DISHONOURINGdishonouring v. Present participle of dishonour.
DISHONOUR v. to deprive of honour, disgrace, also DISHONOR.
DISSOLUTIONSdissolutions n. Plural of dissolution.
DISSOLUTION n. separation into component parts.
DOXORUBICINSdoxorubicins n. Plural of doxorubicin.
DOXORUBICIN n. a bacterial antibiotic used to treat various forms of cancer.
INCOMMODIOUSincommodious adj. (Of a place occupied by people) Uncomfortable or inhospitable, especially due to being cramped.
incommodious adj. Discomforting, inconvenient, or unsuitable.
INCOMMODIOUS adj. not commodious.
LAPIDICOLOUSlapidicolous adj. (Biology) That lives around or under rocks or stones.
LAPIDICOLOUS adj. living under stones.
NONUNIONISEDnonunionised adj. Alternative spelling of nonunionized.
NONUNIONISED adj. not unionised, also NONUNIONIZED.
OROTUNDITIESorotundities n. Plural of orotundity.
OROTUNDITY n. the orotund mode of intonation, also OROROTUNDITY.
PRODIGIOUSLYprodigiously adv. In a prodigious manner; astonishingly, enormously, impressively, or wonderfully.
PRODIGIOUS adv. resembling or befitting a prodigy.
PRODITORIOUSproditorious adj. (Obsolete) Treacherous, traitorous.
PRODITORIOUS adj. traitorous; prone to give away secrets.
RADICICOLOUSradicicolous adj. That lives in or on the roots of plants.
RADICICOLOUS adj. inhabiting or parasitic on roots.
RADICIVOROUSradicivorous adj. (Zoology, rare) That feeds on plant roots.
RADICIVOROUS adj. eating roots.
SOLILOQUISEDsoliloquised v. Simple past tense and past participle of soliloquise.
SOLILOQUISE v. to talk reflectively to oneself, also SOLILOQUIZE.
SOLILOQUIZEDsoliloquized v. Simple past tense and past participle of soliloquize.
SOLILOQUIZE v. to talk reflectively to oneself, also SOLILOQUISE.
SOLITUDINOUSsolitudinous adj. Characterised by solitude.
SOLITUDINOUS adj. related to solitude.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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