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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing D, 2I, 2L, O and R

BILLBOARDINGbillboarding n. (Computer graphics) A technique in three-dimensional graphics in which a sprite is rendered perpendicular…
BILLBOARD v. to advertise by means of billboards.
DIOPTRICALLYdioptrically adv. In a dioptric manner.
DIOPTRICAL adv. transparent, also DIOPTRIC.
DISENROLLINGdisenrolling v. Present participle of disenroll.
DISENROLLING n. the act of removing from an enrolment list.
DISTILLATORYdistillatory adj. Belonging to, or used in, distilling.
distillatory n. A distillatory apparatus; a still.
DISTILLATORY adj. relating to distillation.
GLADIATORIALgladiatorial adj. Of or pertaining to a gladiator.
GLADIATORIAL adj. of or like a gladiator, also GLADIATORIAN, GLADIATORY.
MERIDIONALLYmeridionally adv. In a meridional manner.
meridionally adv. With regard to, or in the direction of a meridian.
MERIDIONAL adv. of or pertaining to the meridian, a line of longitude.
MIDLITTORALSMIDLITTORAL n. that part of the seashore that lies between high and low neap tidemarks.
PERIODICALLYperiodically adv. In a manner that is regular or periodic.
periodically adv. Intermittently or recurrently.
PERIODICAL adv. periodic.
PRIMORDIALLYprimordially adv. In a primordial manner.
primordially adv. With regard to a primordium.
PRIMORDIAL adv. original, rudimentary.
QUADRILLIONSquadrillions n. Plural of quadrillion.
QUADRILLION n. a thousand raised to the fifth power.
RADIOLOGICALradiological adj. Of or pertaining to radiation, radioactivity or nuclear weapons.
RADIOLOGICAL adj. of or relating to radiology, also RADIOLOGIC.
RIDICULOUSLYridiculously adv. In a ridiculous manner. In a way that is funny, embarrassing or extremely implausible.
ridiculously adv. (Degree) extremely; very.
RIDICULOUS adv. arousing or deserving ridicule.
SOLDIERLIESTSOLDIERLY adj. like a soldier.
TREDECILLIONtredecillion num. (Rare, US, modern British & Australian, short scale) 1042.
tredecillion num. (Rare, dated, Britain, Australia, long scale) 1078.
TREDECILLION n. ten to the power of 42.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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