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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing D, H, I, 2O and 2T

BLOODTHIRSTYbloodthirsty adj. Thirsty for blood: inexorably violent or eager for bloodshed; murderous.
bloodthirsty adj. Of a book, film, etc.: depicting much violence; gory, violent.
bloodthirsty adj. (Humorous) Of a mosquito, tenaciously seeking to draw blood.
DEHORTATIONSdehortations n. Plural of dehortation.
DEHORTATION n. advice against something, dissuasion.
DICHOTOMISTSdichotomists n. Plural of dichotomist.
DICHOTOMIST n. one that dichotomizes.
ORTHODONTIASORTHODONTIA n. the rectification of crookedness in the teeth, also ORTHODONTICS.
ORTHODONTICSorthodontics n. (Medicine) A specialty of dentistry concerned with correcting misalignment of teeth.
ORTHODONTICS n. the rectification of crookedness in the teeth, also ORTHODONTIA.
ORTHODONTISTorthodontist n. An orthodontic dentist.
ORTHODONTIST n. one who practises orthodontics.
ORTHOPAEDISTorthopaedist n. Alternative spelling of orthopedist.
orthopædist n. Obsolete typography of orthopaedist.
ORTHOPAEDIST n. a specialist in orthopaedy, also ORTHOPEDIST.
ORTHOPEDISTSorthopedists n. Plural of orthopedist.
ORTHOPEDIST n. a specialist in orthopedics, also ORTHOPAEDIST.
ORTHOPTEROIDorthopteroid n. (Entomology) Any of the insects historically included in the order Orthoptera, including the cockroaches…
ORTHOPTEROID n. a member of the Orthoptera, cockroaches.
PHOTOEXCITEDphotoexcited v. Simple past tense and past participle of photoexcite.
photoexcited adj. (Chemistry, physics) (of an atom, molecule or ion) excited due to photoexcitation.
PHOTOEXCITED adj. relating to photoexcitation.
SHITTIMWOODSSHITTIMWOOD n. the wood of the shittah tree, believed to be a species of acacia, also SHITTIM.
TRAITORHOODSTRAITORHOOD n. the state of being a traitor.
WITHOUTDOORSwithoutdoors adv. (Archaic) outdoors.
WITHOUTDOORS adv. outdoors.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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