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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing D, E, L, M, N and 2T

ADJUSTMENTALadjustmental adj. Relating to adjustment.
ADJUSTMENTAL adj. relating to adjustment.
BATTLEMENTEDbattlemented adj. Furnished with battlements, as the ramparts of a city or castle.
BATTLEMENTED adj. having a battlement.
CONTEMPLATEDcontemplated v. Simple past tense and past participle of contemplate.
CONTEMPLATE v. to view or consider with continued attention.
DELIMITATINGdelimitating v. Present participle of delimitate.
DELIMITATE v. to delimit.
DELIMITATIONdelimitation n. The act of delimiting something.
delimitation n. A limit or boundary.
DELIMITATION n. the act of delimiting.
DEPARTMENTALdepartmental adj. Of or pertaining to a department.
DEPARTMENTAL adj. relating to a department.
DETRIMENTALSDETRIMENTAL n. an undesirable or harmful person or thing.
DILETTANTISMdilettantism n. The act of behaving like a dilettante, of being an amateur or "dabbler", sometimes in the arts. Also…
DILETTANTISM n. the state of being a dilettante, also DILETTANTEISM.
MALCONTENTEDmalcontented adj. Synonym of malcontent.
malcontented v. Simple past tense and past participle of malcontent.
MALCONTENTED adj. discontented.
MALTODEXTRINmaltodextrin n. (Biochemistry) A type of dextrin commonly used as a food additive.
MALTODEXTRIN n. any of various carbohydrates derived from the partial hydrolysis of starch (as of corn or potatoes).
MULTIDENTATEmultidentate adj. (Biology) Having many teeth.
multidentate adj. (Chemistry, of a ligand) Having multiple points at which it is attached to a central atom.
MULTIDENTATE adj. having many teeth.
NIMBLEWITTEDnimble-witted adj. Quick-witted.
NIMBLEWITTED adj. alert, intelligent.
UNREMITTEDLYunremittedly adv. In an unremitted manner.
UNREMITTED adv. not remitted.
UNSTIMULATEDunstimulated adj. Not stimulated.
UNSTIMULATED adj. not stimulated.
WITHHOLDMENTwithholdment n. The act of withholding.
WITHHOLDMENT n. the act of withholding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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