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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing D, E, H, 2L, O and R

CANDLEHOLDERcandleholder n. A device for holding one or more lit candles.
candleholder n. (Historical) A person who holds a candle to assist another person who is working in dim light.
candleholder n. (Dated, by extension) One who renders another slight assistance, or humours them.
DOLLARFISHESdollarfishes n. Plural of dollarfish.
DOLLARFISH n. any of various fishes that have a rounded compressed silvery body, esp. the moonfishes or the American butterfish.
HALOPERIDOLShaloperidols n. Plural of haloperidol.
HALOPERIDOL n. a synthetic tranquillizing drug used in treating psychiatric illnesses.
HYDROLYSABLEhydrolysable adj. Alternative spelling of hydrolyzable.
HYDROLYSABLE adj. that can be hydrolysed, also HYDROLYZABLE.
HYDROLYZABLEhydrolyzable adj. Able to be hydrolyzed.
HYDROLYZABLE adj. that can be hydrolyzed, also HYDROLYSABLE.
LEASEHOLDERSleaseholders n. Plural of leaseholder.
LEASEHOLDER n. one who holds a lease.
OCTAHEDRALLYoctahedrally adv. In an octahedral manner.
OCTAHEDRAL adv. having eight faces or sides.
OTHERWORLDLYotherworldly adj. Of, concerned with, or preoccupied with a different world than that of the tangible here and now, such…
otherworldly adj. Not belonging to the real world; unnatural; odd and unfamiliar.
other-worldly adj. Alternative spelling of otherworldly.
PHELLODERMALphellodermal adj. Of or pertaining to phelloderm.
PHELLODERMAL adj. relating to the phelloderm.
PLACEHOLDERSplaceholders n. Plural of placeholder.
place␣holders n. Plural of place holder.
PLACEHOLDER n. a symbol in a mathematical or logical expression that may be replaced by the name of any element of a set.
POLICYHOLDERpolicyholder n. (Insurance) A person who holds an insurance policy, especially the person whose life is insured.
policy␣holder n. Alternative spelling of policyholder.
POLICYHOLDER n. the owner of an insurance policy.
SCHNORKELLEDschnorkelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of schnorkel.
SCHNORKEL v. (German) to swim underwater using a breathing-tube, also SNORKEL.
SLAVEHOLDERSslaveholders n. Plural of slaveholder.
SLAVEHOLDER n. one who owns slaves.
SMALLHOLDERSsmallholders n. Plural of smallholder.
SMALLHOLDER n. one who keeps a smallholding.
SPHEROIDALLYspheroidally adv. In a spheroidal manner.
SPHEROIDAL adv. having the form of a spheroid.
STALLHOLDERSstallholders n. Plural of stallholder.
STALLHOLDER n. one who manages a stall at which articles are sold.
STRANGLEHOLDstranglehold n. A grip or control so strong as to stifle or cut off.
stranglehold v. To hold a tight grip or control.
STRANGLEHOLD n. an illegal wrestling hold by which one's opponent is choked.
THROTTLEHOLDthrottlehold n. A stranglehold.
THROTTLEHOLD n. a vicious, strangling, or stultifying control.
TITLEHOLDERStitleholders n. Plural of titleholder.
TITLEHOLDER n. one that holds a title.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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