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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing D, 2E, 2N, O and V

CONVENTICLEDconventicled v. Simple past tense and past participle of conventicle.
CONVENTICLE v. to hold such an assembly.
DENERVATIONSdenervations n. Plural of denervation.
DENERVATION n. the act of denervating.
DENOMINATIVEdenominative adj. Being a name.
denominative adj. Possessing, or capable of possessing, a distinct denomination or designation; denominable.
denominative adj. (Grammar) Deriving from a noun, or from an adjective, such as the verb destruct from the noun destruction.
DISENVIRONEDdisenvironed v. Simple past tense and past participle of disenviron.
DISENVIRON v. to deprive of environment.
ENDEAVOURINGendeavouring v. Present participle and gerund of endeavour.
endeavouring n. Alternative form of endeavoring.
ENDEAVOUR v. to try, also ENDEAVOR.
NONDECEPTIVEnondeceptive adj. Not deceptive.
NONDECEPTIVE adj. not deceptive.
NONDEDUCTIVEnondeductive adj. Not deductive.
NONDEDUCTIVE adj. not deductive.
NONDIRECTIVEnondirective adj. Not directive.
nondirective n. A statement or utterance that is not a directive.
NONDIRECTIVE adj. of, relating to, or being psychotherapy, counseling, or interviewing in which the counselor refrains from interpretation or explanation but encourages the client (as by repeating phrases) to talk freely.
NONDIVERGENTnondivergent adj. Not divergent.
NONDIVERGENT adj. not divergent.
NONEVIDENCESNONEVIDENCE n. something that is not evidence.
OVERFONDNESSoverfondness n. Excessive fondness.
OVERFONDNESS n. the state of being overfond.
OVERINCLINEDoverinclined adj. Overly inclined.
OVERINCLINED adj. inclined to excess.
OVERKINDNESSoverkindness n. Excessive kindness.
OVERKINDNESS n. the state of being overkind.
OVERMANNEREDovermannered adj. Excessively mannered.
OVERMANNERED adj. excessively mannered.
OVERSPENDINGoverspending v. Present participle of overspend.
overspending n. The spending of too much money.
OVERSPENDING n. excessive spending.
PROVENDERINGprovendering v. Present participle of provender.
PROVENDER v. to supply with provender.
REENVISIONEDreenvisioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of reenvision.
UNCOVENANTEDuncovenanted adj. Not bound by a covenant.
uncovenanted adj. Not promised by covenant.
UNCOVENANTED adj. not covenanted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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