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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing D, 2E, H, I, L and M

CHILDERMASESChildermases prop.n. Plural of Childermas.
CHILDERMAS n. a church festival held on December 28, Holy Innocents' Day.
DAMSELFISHESdamselfishes n. Plural of damselfish.
DAMSELFISH n. a small brightly-coloured tropical fish.
DEMOLISHMENTdemolishment n. (Archaic) demolition.
DEMOLISHMENT n. the act of demolishing.
DIETHYLAMIDEdiethylamide n. (Organic chemistry) The derivative of a compound formed by adding an amide group with two ethyl substituents…
DIETHYLAMIDE n. as in lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD.
DIETHYLAMINEdiethylamine n. (Organic chemistry) The secondary amine (CH3CH2)2NH.
DIETHYLAMINE n. a liquid resembling ethylamine, derived from ammonia, with ethyl groups replacing two hydrogen atoms.
DISEMBELLISHdisembellish v. (Transitive) To deprive of embellishment; to disadorn.
DISEMBELLISH v. to deprive of embellishment.
DISHEVELMENTdishevelment n. The state or quality of being disheveled.
DISHEVELMENT n. the state of being dishevelled.
DITHELETISMSDITHELETISM n. the doctrine that Christ on earth had two wills, also DITHELISM, DIOTHELISM, DYOTHELISM.
DYOTHELETISMDYOTHELETISM n. the doctrine that Christ on earth had two wills, human and divine.
ECHINODERMALechinodermal adj. (Zoology) Relating or belonging to the echinoderms.
ECHINODERMAL adj. of or like an echinoderm.
ENDOTHELIOMAendothelioma n. Any of various mostly benign neoplasms derived from the endothelium of blood vessels or lymph channels.
ENDOTHELIOMA n. a tumour of the endothelia.
ETHNOMEDICALethnomedical adj. Relating to ethnomedicine.
GLUTETHIMIDEglutethimide n. A hypnotic sedative formerly used as an alternative to barbiturates to treat insomnia.
GLUTETHIMIDE n. a sedative drug with pharmacological properties similar to those of barbiturates.
HEMODIALYSEShemodialyses n. Plural of hemodialysis.
HEMODIALYZERhemodialyzer n. Something that performs hemodialysis.
HEMODIALYZER n. an artificial kidney.
HEXADECIMALShexadecimals n. Plural of hexadecimal.
HEXADECIMAL n. a number system with a base of 16.
MIDDLEWEIGHTmiddleweight n. (Uncountable) A weight class in professional boxing between light middleweight or welterweight and super…
middleweight n. (Countable) A boxer who fights in this division; a similar wrestler etc.
middleweight n. (Countable, business, by extension) An employee ranking anywhere between junior and senior.
MISCHANNELEDmischanneled v. Simple past tense and past participle of mischannel.
MISCHANNEL v. to channel wrongly.
THIMBLEWEEDSthimbleweeds n. Plural of thimbleweed.
THIMBLEWEED n. any of various anemones with cylindrical seed heads.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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