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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing D, 2E, G, 2O and S

DECONGESTIONdecongestion n. The process of decongesting something.
DECONGESTION n. the process of relieving congestion.
DELTIOLOGIESDELTIOLOGY n. the collecting of postcards.
DEMONOLOGIESdemonologies n. Plural of demonology.
DEMONOLOGY n. the study of demons.
DENDROLOGIESDENDROLOGY n. the study of trees.
DEONTOLOGIESdeontologies n. Plural of deontology.
DEONTOLOGY n. the theory or study of moral obligation.
DYSTELEOLOGYdysteleology n. (Philosophy) The view that existence has no telos or final cause from purposeful design.
dysteleology n. The study of apparently functionless rudimentary organs in animals and plants.
DYSTELEOLOGY n. the study of functionless rudimentary organs in animals and plants.
EDAPHOLOGIESEDAPHOLOGY n. the science of soil as a plant growing medium.
ENDOGENOUSLYendogenously adv. In an endogenous manner.
ENDOGENOUS adv. produced or growing from within.
ETYMOLOGISEDetymologised v. Simple past tense and past participle of etymologise.
ETYMOLOGISE v. to trace or suggest an etymology for, also ETYMOLOGIZE.
GADZOOKERIESgadzookeries n. Plural of gadzookery.
GADZOOKERY n. the use of archaisms (as in a historical novel).
GOODLINESSESGOODLINESS n. beauty of form; comeliness.
LEATHERGOODSleathergoods n. Items made from leather.
LEATHERGOODS n. goods made of leather.
ODONTOGENIESODONTOGENY n. the origin and development of teeth.
OVERDIAGNOSEoverdiagnose v. (Medicine) To diagnose something more often than it actually occurs.
overdiagnose v. (Medicine) To diagnose something that never would have led to symptoms.
overdiagnose v. (Medicine) To diagnose as a clinical case what is truly a subclinical case.
PRECOGNOSCEDprecognosced v. Simple past tense and past participle of precognosce.
PRECOGNOSCE v. to take a precognition of.
PSEUDOLOGIESpseudologies n. Plural of pseudology.
PSEUDOLOGY n. the art or science of lying.
PSEUDOLOGUESpseudologues n. Plural of pseudologue.
PSEUDOLOGUE n. a pathological liar.
SINGLEFOOTEDsinglefooted v. Simple past tense and past participle of singlefoot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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