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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 8 twelve-letter words containing D, 3E, H, O and U

DOUBLEHEADERdoubleheader n. Alternative form of double-header.
double-header n. (Sports) A pair of games played one after another between the same teams.
double-header n. A pair of sporting events, one after the other, at a single venue.
ESCUTCHEONEDescutcheoned adj. Having an escutcheon; furnished with a coat of arms or ensign.
ESCUTCHEONED adj. having an escutcheon.
HETERODUPLEXheteroduplex n. (Biochemistry) A nucleic acid composed of two chains with each derived from a different parent molecule.
heteroduplex v. To form such a compound by genetic recombination.
HETERODUPLEX n. a nucleic-acid molecule, such as DNA, composed of two chains with each derived from a different parent molecule.
HOUSECLEANEDhousecleaned v. Simple past tense and past participle of houseclean.
HOUSECLEAN v. to clean a house and its furniture.
HOUSEDRESSEShousedresses n. Plural of housedress.
HOUSEDRESS n. a dress with simple lines that is suitable for housework and is made usually of a washable fabric.
MOUTHBREEDERmouthbreeder n. (Zoology) Synonym of mouthbrooder.
MOUTHBREEDER n. a fish that carries eggs and young in its mouth, also MOUTHBROODER.
OVERSCHEDULEoverschedule v. (Transitive) To overfill the schedule of.
VIDEOTHEQUESVIDEOTHEQUE n. a cinema in which videos are shown.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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